Archbishop Simon Poh: Catholic churches to resume Sunday service this weekend

Archbishop Simon Poh says ACS welcomes the good news of the lifting of CMCO for Kuching district.

KUCHING — The Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) today welcomed the announcement made by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) for lifting the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) for Kuching, said its president Archbishop Simon Poh.

“ACS welcomes the good news of the lifting of CMCO for Kuching district. Having followed the daily reports of cases from SDMC for the whole week, it is reassuring to know that Covid-19 has been contained,” said Poh in a statement issued here today.

Additionally, he said, the Catholic churches in Kuching, Kota Sentosa, and Kota Padawan will be resuming their Sunday masses this weekend.

“Accordingly, following the confirmation from Unifor (Unit for Other Religions) for the houses of worship, Catholic churches in Kuching, Kota Sentosa and Kota Padawan will be resuming our Sunday Masses this weekend.

“(However), Catholics coming to churches will be required to follow the admission screening safety of the standard operating procedures (SOP) that have been implemented, to ensure that our churches are safe places for worship,” said Poh.

With the assurance from both SDMC and Unifor, he also took the opportunity to exhort all Catholics and Christians to exercise conscientiously our social responsibility by wearing a mask in public, maintaining a social distance of 1 (one) meter, as well as donating blood to save lives.

“ACS extends our gratitude to Unifor and SDMC and pledges our cooperation in this task to contain Covid-19 in Sarawak,” added Poh.



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