Pope at Angelus: The Trinity is love in service of the world

Pope Francis during Angelus. (Photo: AFP or licensors)

VATICAN CITY — On the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, Pope Francis tells the faithful during the Angelus that God loves the world, despite its sins.

Taking his inspiration from Sunday’s Gospel on this, the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, Pope Francis underlined God’s love for the world.

The Pope noted that, in his brief dialogue with Nicodemus, Jesus presents Himself as “He who brings to fulfilment the Father’s plan of salvation for the world.”

God gives his only son

Jesus affirms: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”.

The Pope explained, “these words are to indicate that the action of the three divine Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is a single plan of love that saves humanity and the world.”

“The world is marked by evil and corruption”, said Pope Francis, “and we men and women are sinners.”

God loves us despite our mistakes

Therefore, he continued, “God could intervene to judge the world, to destroy evil and castigate sinners. Instead, He loves the world, despite its sins. God loves every one of us even when we make mistakes and distance ourselves from Him.”

God the Father loved the world so much, emphasized the Pope, that, in order to save it, He gave His only-begotten Son.

The Holy Trinity

“The Trinity is therefore Love, all in the service of the world, which He wishes to save and recreate”, he said.

This feast day, commented Pope Francis, “invites us to let ourselves once again be fascinated by the beauty of God”, and to welcome His love which he gives to us through Jesus Christ.

This is faith, continued the Pope: “letting ourselves be met by Him and trusting in Him. This is the Christian life. To love, to meet God, to seek God; and He seeks us first, He meets us first.”

Vatican News


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