Parishioners urged to practice the 5 Rs at Recycle talk

BSC parishioners at the Recycle talk by Audrey Low. Photo credit: Dominic Bong

KUCHING — On 18 August, Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) hosted a talk on Recycling by Audrey Low from Triple C, a recycling company based in Kuching, Sarawak.

About sixty parishioners attended the talk held at the BSC Hall. Fr Joseph Chai who heads the Kuching Archdiocesan Creation Justice Commission, opened the session with prayers, followed by an address given by BSC Rector, Fr Felix Au.

The talk was held in response to Laudato Si, Holy Father Pope Francis’s second encyclical. In Laudato Si, Pope Francis urged the world to act swiftly and in unity to care for our earth.

Audrey Low began with an introduction on Kuching’s waste pollution scenario. She stressed on the detrimental effects of improper waste management to various stakeholders. This includes the need of a new waste landfill in Kuching which will cost millions of taxpayers money.

She urged the parishioners to practice the 5 Rs — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle. This practice is important to combat waste management issues. An example given was to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags by bringing reusable bags for shopping.

To encourage a recycling habit, Triple C launched an app, Oober Recycle for ease of recyclable items collection and payment to customers. By using this app, customers can get their recyclable items collected from their home or any collection centre.

Blessed Sacrament Church is acting as a collection centre to encourage recycling habits among parishioners. They can enter in ‘BSC’ in the ‘partner code’ section in the app if they opt to channel the payment to the church fund.

The overwhelming response from the parishioners through their questions, showed their interest in this program.

More information can be found on Triple C’s Facebook page or they can be contacted at 082-617179.

Florina Richard



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