First Corpus Christi street procession for Blessed Sacrament Church

Fr Felix Au, Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church, carrying the Blessed Sacrament monstrance. Photo: Stephanie Chua

KUCHING — On Saturday 22 June 2019, Blessed Sacrament Church officially records its first candle light Corpus Christi procession outside the Church compound.

The Sunset Mass was celebrated by Church Rector, Fr Felix Au with Fr Martin Wong concelebrating. In his homily, Fr Felix urged the congregation to share their faith with others.

He encouraged them to invite family and friends to attend Mass, to Holy Hour, and to promote the Church’s vision, “A Eucharistic Community that reveals God’s love in Christ to the world.”

The procession, which is a symbolic gesture to proclaim Christ’s body in the Sacrament to the people on the streets, commenced immediately after Sunset Mass.

Led by a cross bearer, altar boys, flower girls, boys and girls brigades, and contingents from the parish ministries and lay organisations and the congregation, the ‘Corpus Christi’, a Latin word for ‘Body of Christ’ was paraded for a short distance down the streets before making its way back to the Church.

For the community and bystanders in the vicinity of Blessed Sacrament Church, it was a spectacular sight. The Blessed Sacrament was paraded in a monstrance carried by Fr Felix under a golden canopy, accompanied by the contingents singing hymns, and carrying lighted candles.

The celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi, which is also the feast day of Blessed Sacrament Church, ended with a Gospel reading and adoration and benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament back in the Church.


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