Archbishop Simon stops Corpus Christi procession to conduct Benediction service on the streets

Archbishop Simon Poh conducting a brief Benediction service on the streets. Photo credit: St Joseph's Cathedral

KUCHING — In conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of dedication of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, a grand Corpus Christi celebration with procession was celebrated on 23 June 2019 at the Sunday evening Mass.

The principal celebrant for the Mass was Archbishop Simon Poh and concelebrated by Archbishop Emeritus John Ha and Frs. Jerome Juleng, Martin Wong and Francis Lim.

In his homily, Archbishop Simon Poh explained the significance of the solemn feast of Corpus Christi. He also reminded all present that when we go on the streets in procession we are not just proclaiming our faith in the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, but also as one Body of Christ which is his Church.

The Blessed Sacrament procession which passed through the streets of Kuching City via Padang Merdeka which is the centre of the City, is an opportunity to bless the City of Kuching.

Some 600 members of lay organisations took part as contingents under their respective organisations. The procession was led by the cross bearer with the members of the liturgical ministries in front, together with the youths and flower girls and page boys.

The Blessed Sacrament monstrance was placed on a beautifully decorated float with the Archbishops, priests, religious and seminarians following behind on foot. All in all, some 1,800 parishioners took part in the procession.

The faithful sang hymns in honour of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the candle light procession. The float stopped in front of Plaza Merdeka and Archbishop Simon Poh conducted a brief Benediction service. The procession then made its way back to the Cathedral.

The procession concluded with a prayer service and Benediction at the Belfry in front of the Cathedral compound.

It was a meaningful and joyful celebration of Corpus Christi which is one way to make Christ known and loved as part of the Mission of the parish and also especially in this Extraordinary Year of Mission, where all are called to share the Good News to all around us.

Aloysius Lai


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