Kota Kinabalu plays host to 3rd Malaysian Catholic Campus Students’ Day

Kuching contingent to MCCSD3 with Archbishop Simon Poh. (Photo: KAYC)

KOTA KINABALU — The 3rd Malaysian Catholic Campus Students’ Day (MCCSD3) was held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from 3 – 8 June. Approximately 350 campus students all over Malaysia participated in the MCCSD to commemorate the theme, ‘Thy Will Be Done’ taken from Luke 1: 38.

Sixteen students from different campuses in Kuching representing Kuching Campus Ministry, attended this national event. Together with them were two youth ministers and Archbishop Simon Poh, as Bishop in charge of Youth in Malaysia.

A week before the Malaysian Catholic Campus Student’s Day, the delegates from Kuching attended a recollection at St Peter’s Seminary College, for spiritual preparation, and at the same time, to create a bonding and team spirit among the delegates and youth ministers.

The welcoming Mass was celebrated by Archbishop John Wong as the Archbishop for Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, at Cathedral of Sacred Heart. It was concelebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh and other priests. Archbishop John Wong welcomed all the campus students to Kota Kinabalu. The programme continued with a welcoming night theme, “Let us bring JOY”.

The next day (5 June), there were two workshops on: depression, anxiety, suicidal thought and relationship with family in the morning session, while in the afternoon, the workshop was about understanding our neighbour, with the aim to deepen the faith of the catholic students. At the end of the workshops, participants were asked to write in their journals, the topics of the day.

On the fourth day of mission, all the participants were divided into their mission groups based on their mission work. There were 15 allocated mission locations which required participants to do different kinds of mission work.

For the Kuching contingent, they were selected to join the mission with different NGOs and Villages namely Kayu Madang Landfill, Kampung Gentisan Village and Karambunai Village, Stairway to Hope, Pacos Trust, Befrienders, and Youth-Prep Centre. The night after mission work, once again, all the participants were asked to do personal reflection and group sharing about their experience, and with God present during their mission work.

On 7 June, the programme proceeded with a dialogue on faith, discernment and vocation. It was attended by Archbishop Simon Poh, Sister Shanty, Madam Christina David, Mr Walton and Mr Walter. This dialogue session inspired and helped students know more about their vocations, leading either a religious life, married life or single life.

In the evening, the students had the opportunity to attend a counselling and sharing session with the “caregivers” namely Sister, counsellors and some youth ministers. Confessions and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament were heard and celebrated by Bishop Cornelius Piong. The final night’s theme was ‘My Soul Glorifies the Lord’.

The send-off Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh at St Michael’s Church, Penampang with an enthusiastic and empowering message from the World Youth Day in January 2019 in Panama. In his homily, Archbishop Simon Poh had used Pope Francis’ words at WYD 2019: “You are the NOW of God. They are at its present; even now, they are helping to enrich it.” (Christus Vivit No. 64)

Testimonies: Participating in MCCSD3 makes me realize that my life is blessed beyond measure. I get the chance to meet and interact with people from different ages, different walks of life and of various races. I have learned a lot of things throughout the event, such as social skill, communication skill, how to work in a group, and I also learned how to identify the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts as these are the problems that most campus students are facing. – Azellecyrstal Jok (IPG Batu Lintang)

I could not possibly forget the workshops especially on the “Faith, Vocation and Calling” talk. It made me ponder a lot about where God will put me in the future. Has he ever called me but I was so into the worldly life? My mission after participating in this MCCSD3 is to spread more love to everyone so that they would be able to spread it to those who are lost and searching for God. More events like this should be held in campuses as we students are constantly searching for our purpose in life. – Rapella Ron (UNIMAS)

Regina Anak Akee


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