By Ivy Chai
KUCHING — Ash Wednesday falls on 5 March this year. In reverting to Church practices pre-pandemic days, parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuching will apply the imposition of Ashes the traditional way – marking the sign of the cross on the forehead and not sprinkling dry ashes on the crown of heads.
Holy Week
Additionally, according to Fr Vincent Chin, the Archdiocesan Liturgist and Parish Priest of St Peter’s Church, Padungan, the following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be implemented for Holy Week:
- Holy Thursday: The washing of feet will revert to the traditional practice, performed by the celebrant.
- Good Friday: Veneration of the Cross will be done by deep bowing (no kissing or touching).
- Baptism: Candidates may choose between immersion or infusion. The anointing with oils will be performed using thumbs.
Parishioners who are coughing or have flu symptoms are required to wear face masks.
The SOPs are to ensure a meaningful and safe celebration of the Holy Week.