Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly (Part 2)


By APC Synod-MPC2026 Central Working Committee

The Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly 

With the completion of the respective Parish Pastoral Assemblies and Arch/dioceses Pastoral Assemblies in 2022-2023, the journey will now proceed with the Regional Assemblies in the three regions—Semenanjung Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah.

Sarawak will hold its first Regional Pastoral Assembly with the objectives of: a) to listen, discern and share outcomes and experiences from the respective dioceses’ assemblies in the four areas of concern—Church, Family, Ecology and Society; b) to identify common grounds on how Sarawak dioceses can unite as the voice of one Church and be an integral part of one Malaysia Church; and c) to establish a closer bond among the people of God, united in spirit and purpose.

About 200 delegates from Kuching, Sibu and Miri comprising clergy, religious, parish councillors, ministry/lay leaders, laity representatives—youth, elders, men, women, the marginalised—from both city and rural parishes, and invited guests from other Regions are expected to attend the 2-day assembly in Sibu on 18–19 September 2024.

The programme is as follows:

18 September 2024 (Wednesday)

  • Opening Mass
  • Welcome and Orientation
  • MPC2026 Journey, Highlights and Direction of CWC and CBCMSB 
  • Sharing on Highlights from the three Diocese Pastoral Assemblies
  • Group Spiritual Discernment
  • End of Day Prayer and Adoration
  • Fellowship Dinner

19 September 2024 (Thursday)

  • Opening Prayer
  • Group Sharing 
  • Direction Setting
  • Plenary / Dialogue with Arch/bishops and Commissioning
  • Closing Mass

A Joint Working Committee comprising priests, councillors and laity representing Kuching, Sibu and Miri dioceses was formed in early 2024 under the leadership of Fr Patrick Heng, with guidance from the three Arch/bishops to spearhead the planning, preparation and organisation of this inaugural assembly.

Announcements and prayers have been progressively disseminated to parishes. The Committee humbly seeks the intercession and prayers of everyone for a fruitful outcome and blessings.

File photo: Diocese of Sibu Pastoral Assembly, Kemuyang Pastoral Centre, 24–25 November 2023.

Other Assemblies and Salib Malaysia

Apart from the Regional Assemblies, there are three other Assemblies namely, the Malaysian Catholic Clergy Assembly held from 16–21 July 2018, the Malaysia Religious Assembly (MRA) 2023, and the Malaysian Catholic Young People Assembly (MCYPA) 2025. 

The Malaysia Religious Assembly was held at the Majodi Centre from 8–11 June 2023. It saw a gathering of around 190 representatives from 28 religious institutes in Malaysia. It was the culmination of a process of theological reflection on family, church, social and ecology which started in August 2022. 

File photo: Representatives from 28 religious institutes in Malaysia gathered for their first assembly, 8–11 June 2023.
File photo: MRA representatives from Kuching.

For young Malaysian Catholics, the Malaysian Catholic Young People Assembly (MCYPA) will be held from 31 March to 5 April 2025 at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. About 2,000 participants are expected for this Assembly.

The MCYPA will end with the Opening of the Jubilee Year 2025 together with the launching of the Journey of the Malaysian Cross. This unique cross, made of nine parts will be brought back to each Arch/Diocese by its diocese’s representatives. This cross will journey throughout the 12 parishes of the Archdiocese of Kuching within 18 months, ending its journey at St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish. 

Various activities based on areas of concern namely on Church, Ecology, Society and Family will be organised by each parish when the cross stays with it.

Malaysia Pastoral Convention 2026

The Malaysian Church is entering a new phase with the Malaysia Pastoral Convention (MPC) in 2026. This convention will be the first that sees participation from all the nine dioceses in Malaysia.

Each diocese in Malaysia begins her preparation with her own Diocesan Pastoral Assembly that focuses on Family, Church, Ecology, and Society. At the present moment, all the nine Malaysian Arch/Dioceses have completed their Diocesan Pastoral Assembly and are moving towards the respective Regional Pastoral Assembly. 

The Semenanjung Regional Pastoral Assembly was held from 25–27 August 2024 at Majodi Centre with 500 participants. The Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly is from 18–19 September 2024 with 200 delegates, while the Sabah Regional Pastoral Assembly is scheduled in Kota Kinabalu from 11–12 May 2025 with 450 delegates. In all these three Regional Assemblies, the delegates come from various pastoral backgrounds comprising the clergy, religious and lay leaders as well as some invited guests. 

When the initial plan for a Malaysian Pastoral Assembly was mooted, it was coined as Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention. However, at its January 2023 meeting, the Central Working Committee discussed and decided to drop the “Pan” from the “Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention” to become the “Malaysia Pastoral Convention 2026”. 

The Malaysia Pastoral Convention 2026 (MPC 2026) is scheduled for 9–13 September 2026 at Majodi Centre, Johor Bahru. 700-750 delegates from all the nine Arch/Dioceses of Malaysia are expected to attend this Convention. The three Regional Pastoral Assemblies (Semenanjung, Sarawak and Sabah) Synthesis Reports will be shared for all to discuss, discern and deliberate on the way forward using the Spiritual Conversation method. 


As we strive in this spiritual transformation, let us humbly implore that the Holy Spirit will accompany us in our journey, guide us, make a home in our hearts and teach us the way we must go in our mission to be the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World—to be a united, resilient and progressive one Malaysia Church.

Click here to read the Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly (Part 1).


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