Sunday School Activity at St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa Atrium – Programme For Children

Sunday school students take part in the various Atrium programme activities, 11 August 2024.

By Elizabeth Jimen

BATU KAWA — On 11 August 2024, more than 500 Sunday School students aged 7-17 from St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa participated in the programme called Atrium. This same programme was conducted in May 2024 at the Sam Hap Hin School Hall for the Sunday School students under the jurisdiction of Sacred Heart Parish.

Initially, this programme was introduced by the Parish Faith Formation Coordinator, Sr Susan Dulang SSFS at Sacred Heart Parish, Kota Sentosa.

The Atrium is a space/station prepared and displayed with sacramental items related to the Church Liturgy and Catholic Faith. The purpose is to introduce these sacramental items and their processes/procedures of using them for learning purposes. A total of seven stations were created for different exhibition materials.

The seven stations were as follows:

Station 1: Altar and holy items
Station 2: Vestments (Costume)
Station 3: The Last Supper
Station 4: Washing of Feet 
Station 5: Liturgical Calendar
Station 6: Way of the Cross
Station 7: Church Hierarchy

The programme was conducted in two sessions according to the language used.

Session 1.  Bahasa Malaysia Group: 11.00 am – 2.30 pm
Session 2.  Chinese Language Group: 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm

SHOW OF SUPPORT… Visitors gather for photo session.

Through this programme, the objectives are for the public to/be:

a) understand more deeply the meaning and function of the materials used in the Liturgical celebration,
b) know that the clothing of the clergy is a symbol inseparable from the mystery being celebrated,
c) clear with the name and use of equipment in the Liturgical celebration,
d) aware that all Liturgical items are sacred and must be treated with respect,
e) appreciate deeply the richness of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The feedback received from the students was very positive. They were very excited to know more precisely the names of the items used during the celebration of the Holy Mass and the theme of the colours of the vestment worn by the priest. They were also enlightened by many more information. On top of these, they enjoyed immensely participating in the Last Supper and the Washing of the Feet.

It is hoped this knowledge remains with them so as to appreciate the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church more.


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