“Who’s The Murderer?”: Chinese Sunday School Survival Camp

Group photo of camp participants at St Francis' Chapel, 6 July 2024.

By Matthew Ling & Matthew Then

MIRI — The 3-day stay-in survival camp for St Joseph’s Parish Chinese Sunday School students with the striking theme “Who’s The Murderer” began on the afternoon of Saturday 6 July 2024 at St Francis’ Chapel, Jalan Brighton, Miri.

Children engaging in the "What is Sin" group activity.

55 students attended the camp ran by the Chinese Sunday School teachers and parents, youths and the Music Ministry. The camp started with ice-breaking activities and the introduction of ground rules. 

There were a series of intriguing talks, praise and worship sessions and inspiring activities throughout the three days. The topics covered in the talks included “What is Praise”, “What is Sin”, “Killing a Life”, “Life, Abortion, Euthanasia”, “Bullying (Online)” and “Respecting Others’ Spirits”. The students also made little cards with inspiring messages about valuing and respecting one’s life.

Early Sunday morning, everyone attended Mass at the nearby Carmelite Church. After breakfast, the programme continued with praise and worship and various talks. In the early evening, the students went across the road to Tanjong beach to interact with the members of the public who were enjoying the sunset and family time there. The students gifted them with the hand-crafted cards about valuing and cherishing the life that God has given to us. 

Upon their return from the beach, everyone had dinner and showered before the night prayer and healing ritual followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr Gabriel Chiong. Sunday concluded with a Rosary recitation before hitting the hay at 10.30 pm.

Distributing hand-crafted cards by the beach.

On Monday, the last day of the camp, all students woke up at 5.30 am to get ready for Mass at 6.15 am. After Mass, everyone had a hearty breakfast. A final praise and worship session followed. Thereafter, all the students were invited to share their thoughts about the camp. The students responded with feedback that they enjoyed themselves during the whole camp, learnt a lot of new things, and that there was an atmosphere of warmth and fellowship. 

They were able to understand more deeply about praise and worship, etiquette of Mass, the preciousness of life and never to harm a life physically or spiritually as both are a form of sin. Most stated that they look forward to next year’s camp. Before dispersing for home at 12.30 pm, everyone participated to clean up the venue and took care to remove all rubbish from the compound.

The Sunday School teachers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers, parents and youths who contributed in various ways towards the running of camp. May the Holy Spirit continue to give us the wisdom, courage and faithfulness to guide our children to live as God’s children. Amen.


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