Children take centre stage at Cathedral of St John

A child getting an ice cream treat after the Mass.

By Melissa Pereira

KUALA LUMPUR — The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist hosted a belated celebration of World Children’s Day, having postponed the event due to scheduling conflicts with other parish activities.

The delay did not diminish the enthusiasm of the parishioners, as both young and old gathered in high spirits to mark the occasion, filling the cathedral with a vibrant sense of joy and community.

The youngsters were dressed in purple T-shirts specially designed and printed for the day. They trooped into the church after catechism, quickly filling the pews allocated for them at the front. It was heart-warming to see a sea of purple as the children knelt facing the altar and began to pray the Rosary before Mass. Five children from various classes led the Rosary.

Parish priest, Fr Gerard Theraviam, celebrated the 11.00am Mass, which was led by the children of the parish. The roles of lectors and the commentator for the Prayer of the Faithful were all filled by children who had dedicated time and effort to practise for this important role. Kudos to their parents and the Liturgical team for instilling in them the importance of participating reverently in the Eucharistic celebration. The choir was the Cathedral’s Young Person’s Choir, led by choirmaster Jillian Thomas, who had diligently practised each week. Their beautiful performance added life and meaning to the hymns, with everyone particularly touched by the sweet voice of cantor Aubry.

It was especially touching to see that for every child with a role in the Mass, there was an adult nearby to offer encouragement and support.

The sermon was tailored for the children, with Fr Gerard inviting them to answer questions, leading to much laughter. Fr Gerard also highlighted the words imprinted on the children’s T-shirts – “I am a beautiful, marvellous, unique Child of God” – reminding everyone that they are beloved by God and precious in His sight.

Afterwards, there was ice cream and twisted balloons for everyone! The treats were a big hit, with the congregation staying to enjoy them despite the heat. Merriment and joy filled the air as people savoured their ice cream, chatted with one another, and children played with their balloons. It was a wonderful time of fellowship. A special thank you to St David Party Castle for generously sponsoring 200 balloons.

Looking ahead, the parents and catechists of the Cathedral plan to collaborate on creating more special and meaningful activities for the children and teenagers of the parish. Their goal is to help the youth grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus.

Herald Malaysia


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