Harvesting God’s love

FOR THE ALBUM... EMPOWERED attendees together with session animator Brian (6-R).

By EMPOWERED Ministry Kuching

KUCHING — EMPOWERED Ministry organised a Youth Gathering on Friday, 14 June at St James Room with the theme on ‘Harvesting God’s Love’. With the theme relating to the Gawai Celebration, the gathering centred on the love of God and how all are called to share in the harvest of God’s love.

The evening began with a praise and worship session by the Music Team and followed by a session by Brian Chin, the session animator. Brian expounded his sharing on the Parable of the Sower and the Parable of the Mustard Seed and concluded his session with an activity to fold paper hearts, while leading all the attendees to reflect upon what doubts trouble them in their lives and what can they be grateful for.


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