Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate 30 (KAYA 30)

Group photo on the final day of KAYA 30 after the commissioning Mass.

By Joan Lau

KOTA PADAWAN — The 30th KAYA programme has recently concluded, bringing more than 100 Catholic youths closer to God. With the theme “Who do you say that I am,” taken from the Gospel of Mark 8:29, this programme organised by the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission year after year, ran from 14 April to 13 May. This batch of KAYA youths is composed of the following: 83 participants; 19 serving full-time with four of them as coordinators, 10 of them as facilitators and five as helpers; and 40 serving as part-time helpers.

The participants of KAYA 30 included not only youths from the Kuching Archdiocese but also five from other dioceses such as Penang, Sibu, and Malacca-Johore. And among the servants, there were two full-time helpers who came from the Philippines. All participants stayed for four weeks at the St Lukas Centre, Kota Padawan, for this camp.

The four key aspects that serve the main focus of KAYA are (1) spiritual formation, (2) human formation, (3) pastoral formation, (4) and lastly, community life formation.

Throughout the month-long programme, participants engaged in activities such as daily Holy Mass, group prayers, lectures, sessions and workshops, group activities and assignments such as taking care of cleanliness, of kitchen needs and various other tasks. Participants were also sent to villages, housing areas, parishes and kampungs, all within the territory of the Archdiocese of Kuching, where they experienced evangelisation, do charitable works, and learn from different people through different experiences within the context of Catholic living. 

They also spent a weekend on the “Vocation Exposure and Appreciation” programme which aimed at making the youths get to know and find the value of the different “callings” in loving and serving God—as single, married, religious or clergy. 

Every Thursday evening too, they all spent time in prayer with the Holy Rosary and Holy Hour with exposition, adoration and benediction while having time for confessions and care-giving. From Thursday after dinner to Friday before breakfast, these young people had spent overnights of sweet, sacred silence—no talking, no use of phones, just heart-to-heart moments with the Lord. Lovely!

“Blossom Dance” at Mount Singai

Making KAYA 30 even more formative and memorable, the participants with the organisers and helpers also took trips to certain special places. They stayed for 3 days and 2 nights at the Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre in Mt Singai. Some of them even hiked to reach the peak of that significant mountain. They also took a day trip to Gethsemane Pilgrimage Centre in Bunan Gega. 

Lastly, they spent time from afternoon till evening in a beach resort, the Redbee Camp in Sampadi. Through all these, all experienced joys and learnings, appreciating God even more and His gift of nature. Everywhere they went, they always spent time cleaning and beautifying the said places, contributing to the care of creation.

The KAYA 30 programme concluded with a Closing Mass celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh with Fr Galvin Ngumbang, Fr Davie Entalai, and Fr Ramon Borja, SDB as concelebrants. True to the theme of the concluding Solidarity Night and final day Holy Mass, “Disatukan oleh cinta; dipisakan oleh cinta” as coined and chosen by the youths themselves, everyone felt so one with one another on that last day, rooted in oneness with God. 

Yes, there was sadness to end the programme that had touched their lives and to part ways with their companions with whom they had grown closer to. But there was also the eagerness to go and share God to others, to re-enter their world before KAYA but with an after KAYA mind, soul and heart. Miskin (poor) no more but KAYA (rich) in God’s grace!

Solidarity Night - Praise and Worship

Testimonies from participants

I initially didn’t expect to become the main coordinator for KAYA 30 Solidarity Night. This role is a passion, a calling, and a journey of growth. I sincerely love and guide my adik-adik like a big brother. When chosen for this role, I accepted it as God’s will. Leading with sincerity, I chose to work alongside everyone, experiencing the same challenges. This journey involved understanding human connections, cooperation, teamwork, and resilience. I am grateful for the trust, hard work, and memories created with everyone, especially my vice coordinator and those who shared their testimonies. I thank God for this honour and continue with humility and dedication. – Owen

Through KAYA, I learnt to live healthily in a community, gained responsibility as the SN Vice Coordinator, and deepened my understanding of the Church and God. Despite my initial doubts, the program brought me closer to God and taught me to focus on Him. I improved my teamwork and adaptability skills, and discovered my interest in playing musical instruments like the cajon and tambourine. Overall, KAYA greatly influenced my character development, enhancing my understanding, wisdom, and mindset. I am grateful to KAYC for organising KAYA 30, which has significantly impacted my life journey. – Sherilyn

Before joining KAYA, I was quite naughty and lazy. Initially, I didn’t want to attend the month-long camp, feeling it was too long. However, after joining, I began to enjoy it and met many friendly people. KAYA taught me valuable skills like cooking, washing clothes and dishes, praying properly, and communicating confidently. A memorable experience was visiting the Home of Peace, where I offered comforting words to the elderly. Despite my initial reluctance, KAYA transformed me significantly, making me proud of my growth and seeing it as a gift from God. – Isaac

Poem: Here It Begins

I seek truth in my life
I seek answers to my questions
I seek light for my world
And You have called me here.

This is where I find everything
You give me peace
You give me joy
You give me lessons
And You also give me strength

Maybe the beginning is hard
But it ends well
So everything will be fine

Now I miss the beginning
I don’t want to end it
Every beginning surely has its end and every meeting surely has its farewell
That’s the phase of life

But God has a mission for all of us
Every human has their own destiny
I will step both of my feet into the world of adolescence
But memories with you will not fade

A new spirit will I sow in my heart
Waiting for challenges in the outside world
From nothing, now standing tall
Holding tight to fulfil aspirations
So believe, we will succeed

It’s not the end
But a beginning for all of us…


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