“My RCIA Journey” from Holy Trinity Parish, Kenyalang

Cynthia Kueh (centre) with her sponsor.
Two neophytes, Yvonne Kong and Cynthia Kueh from the English RCIA at Holy Trinity Church share testimonies of their RCIA journey.

I’m Cynthia Kueh Yen Yen and before joining RCIA, I attended the SIB Church. My desire to join RCIA came from an interest in the Catholic prayer which made me feel at peace, and my interest in the programme was piqued by a calamity that taught me a lot about Jesus and Mother Mary. From the class lessons, I had learnt many things including the differences between the Catholic Church and the other Christian churches. 

How does getting baptised make me feel? I feel secure and protected from evil and it was a spiritual experience for me. In addition, I aspire to live in a world of justice and peace. Being Catholic gives me a strong sense of hope for the future in the present. 

As a newly baptised Catholic, I seek to deepen my relationship with God and grow closer to Him. Living according to God’s plan has greatly aided me in my personal development and I believe He will change me and lead me back into His presence as I obey and remain faithful to Him.

Yvonne Kong (right) with her sponsor Patricia

My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, my name is Yvonne Kong. I joined RCIA because I wanted to know more about Christianity and our Lord, Jesus Christ. My siblings are all Christian and they encouraged me to join the RCIA class for baptism.

At first, I had doubts and questions, but gradually l was looking forward to the weekly lessons and teachings from the RCIA facilitators. I began to attend Mass and enjoyed singing the hymns at Mass and listening to the homilies by our priests. 

I would also listen to the sharing about Christian faith from my godmother, Patricia, and my sister, Lulu. I thank as well my brother Peter and his wife Susan for accompanying me to RCIA class. I am so blessed and I am truly grateful. 

As I went through the process of my baptism, I feel that I no longer hesitate and doubt. Today, I can openly declare I am a follower of Christ. Knowing that my journey with God has just started, each day I pray for stronger faith for Jesus to live in me, and I want to read and understand the Word of God more. 

I would like to thank all those people who had journeyed with me since July 2023. God bless you all.


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