HoF: Understanding the Consequences of Sin

Pauline Lim explaining what HoF is about, 18 April, BSC Hall. (Photo- Stephanie Chua)

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING — As part of their annual series of talks on healing of families, Servant Communities Emmaus conducted a Healing of Families (HoF) Seminar at the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall from 18–21 April 2024.

The Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Council had earlier this year, in collaboration with Emmaus, organised a Divine Lenten Healing Retreat from 29 February to 2 March at the Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC). The Lenten Retreat was conducted by visiting Vincentian priests Fr Dr Michael Payyapilly, VC and Fr Shinu Vithayathil, VC.

The Eucharist is a Sacrament of Healing

Fr Leonard Yap

In his opening address at the HoF seminar, rector of BSC and head Shepherd of Emmaus Fr Leonard Yap, emphasised the importance of receiving the “Bread of Life – the Eucharist”.

The Eucharist is one of the sacraments of healing and the “source of our Christian life” given by Jesus himself at Mass and is “God’s love”, Fr Leonard stressed. The participants should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance to discover their “hunger” for what is missing in their lives.

Emmaus Advisor Pauline Lim, in her introduction to HoF, said the seminar originated from Ugandan Catholic priest Fr Joseph Ssemakula (better known as Fr Yosefu) based in Pensacola, Florida who has been conducting HoF seminars worldwide. Since the first HoF in Kuching about 10 years ago, Emmaus has conducted this seminar every year.

The HoF talks presented by members of Emmaus Teaching Ministry, covered topics on Spiritual Warfare, Image of God, Free Will, the Cardinal Points, the Access Points, Scriptures and Christ Our Way Out.

The seminar participants, many who were attending for the first time, came with mixed feelings, but went home fired up and hopeful with the knowledge that curses, sins and consequences of sins of their ancestors can be healed because of God’s compassionate love and mercy. They learnt that unforgiveness, trauma and family bondage can contribute to the challenges plaguing their lives.

Lighting a candle as a symbol of thanksgiving after the inner healing session.


Some participants experienced “breakthrough in relationship” while others opined they are now aware of certain reasons behind “stubborn challenges” they and their families constantly face. Below are some of their comments:

The seminar is really great and it gives us hope that there is nothing impossible with God. It opens our eyes to see that there are so many things we do that can jeopardise our family when we open the door to the evil one to enter, and that we have to be very careful and sensitive to whatever we encounter outside, not to offend others and the consequences we have to suffer. In my family at one time, I thought it was quite impossible to undo ancestors’ follies and curses because it is practically impossible to know my ancestors’ names and even more impossible to know what they did. At HoF, I found that hope. Praise God for this seminar!

I felt liberated from my worries and fears during the inner healing session.

The most striking part is the admittance of oneself to be open to the Spirit. Secondly, it is also a good personal reminder that head knowledge of theology is not enough but the need for faith in the Holy Spirit. 

Another thing that touched me was that the reality of God’s blessing can either come instantaneously, gradually or in His time. 

I learnt to trust in the healing power of Jesus and the importance of forgiveness and repentance.

Feeling new, energised, motivated, more Christ-centred and focused on my goals in life and what God has planned for me.

Peaceful – thanks to the healing prayer sessions.

There is hope, the Lord is revealing to me other areas of possible bondage or “curse” not addressed earlier.

Enlightened and at peace especially from the inner healing. Also more determined to learn more of the teaching of HoF, and our solid Catholic teaching especially on sin and grace.

Participants at the HoF Seminar, April 2024.

Besides Pauline Lim, other members of the Emmaus Teaching Ministry presenting the talks were Emmaus head Servant Christina Eng, Thomas Ngu, John Wong and Ivy Chai.


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