Parish priests meet to share experiences of synodality

The "Fraterna Domus" retreat house in Sacrofano, Italy

Parish priests from around the world gather in Sacrafano, outside Rome, for an International Meeting dedicated to the question of “How to be a local synodal Church on Mission.”

By Christopher Wells

VATICAN CITY — Some three hundred parish priests from around the world have gathered in Sacrofano, outside of Rome, for a meeting dedicated to listening, prayer, and discernment to address the question of how to be a local synodal Church on mission.

The five-day gathering will feature five days of discussions, culminating in an Audience with Pope Francis on Thursday.

Organized by the General Secretariat of the Synod and the Dicastery for the Clergy, in collaboration with the Dicasteries for Evangelization and for the Oriental Churches, the International Meeting is aimed at “listening to and valuing the experience parish priests live in their respective local Churches” and offering them the opportunity “to experience the dynamism of synodal work at a universal level.”

The Meeting comes in response to the desire expressed by the Synod Fathers to “develop ways for a more active involvement of deacons, priests, and bishops in the synodal process,” following criticism that parish priests were notably absent from the General Assembly.

Sharing stories

In his opening remarks to the assembled fathers, Cardinal Mario Grech, the Secretary General of the Synod said, “You have not come here to receive some teaching or exposition about synodality,” but “to tell us your story, because the story of each and every one of you is important.”

“We want to hear your stories, we want to hear how Jesus is still working today.”

“We want to hear your stories, we want to hear how Jesus is still working today,” the Cardinal explained, saying that the days in Sacrofano are about “the sharing of stories, helping one another see God’s presence in our own stories, understanding that his providence is still writing the story of the Church today.”

Listening: the methodology of the Synod

For his part, the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy, Cardinal Lazarus You Heung sik, emphasized that the Meeting is not focused primarily on speechmaking, but on listening to one another and to the Holy Spirit.

He expressed his hope that this approach, which has already begun to bear fruit locally, “will also be the case in these days” in Sacrofano.

Cardinal You highlighted the Second Vatican Council’s ecclesiology of communion in the dimensions of mystery, communion and mission, saying, “There is still much to discover in this very vital way of conceiving and being Church.”

“There is still much to discover in this very vital way of conceiving and being Church”

Finally, recalling that “the synodal style” intends to “fully involve all the baptized,” the Prefect said he hoped that the service of pastors can bear fruit “so that our parish communities might become places where we experience the joy of the Risen Lord walking with us.”

‘The face of a synodal Church’

After the initial introductory speeches, the Meeting of parish priests focused on the first day’s theme, “The face of the Synodal Church.” The morning began with spiritual and theological contributions from expert-accompanists, followed by “synodal conversations” in small groups.

In the afternoon, participants will come together for a plenary presentation of the work of the small groups. The first day of the Meeting will conclude with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, followed by recreation and community sharing – the latter involving a sharing of typical products brought by the priests from their local communities.

Over the coming days, the priests will continue their conversations, focusing on the topics of “All Disciples All Missionaries” (Tuesday) and “Teaching Ties, Building Communities” (Wednesday).

The Meeting will conclude on Thursday with a “meeting dialogue” with Pope Francis, followed by the celebration of Mass with the Holy Father in St Peter’s Basilica.

Vatican News


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