“Growing Together” ecumenical events open with Anglican and Catholic Bishops

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Pope Francis (Vatican Media)

Catholic and Anglican Bishops are undertaking a week of dialogue, prayer, and pilgrimages to Rome and Canterbury, involving 50 bishops from 27 countries to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

By Vatican News

VATICAN CITY — During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Bishops from the Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions are gathering for “Growing Together”, a week-long summit of ecumenical discussion and pilgrimage to be held in Rome and Canterbury from 22-29 January 2024.

Worldwide representation

The Bishops will arrive in pairs—Anglicans and Catholics—representing various countries around the world. More than 50 Bishops from 27 countries will participate.

As they visit sacred sites in Rome and Canterbury, the Bishops will pray, reflect, and learn from each other. The goal is to discuss ways to grow together in witness and mission in the world.

Symbolic moment

On 25 January, at the tomb of the Apostle Paul, Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury will send the Bishops in pairs to be witnesses to Christian unity.

The International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) has organized the event and says it will mark an important and symbolic occasion for Anglican-Catholic ties and the advancement of ecumenical dialogue.

The pilgrimages

In addition to the event on 25 January, the Roman part of the pilgrimage also includes a sung Anglican Eucharist presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury at St. Bartholomew’s Church.

A visit to St. Peter’s Basilica will take place on the 23 and 26 January, and participants will visit the Church of St. Gregory on the Caelian Hill, where the first Archbishop of Canterbury was sent to England in 597 by Pope St. Gregory the Great. 

In Canterbury, on 28 January, the Bishops will take part in the Choral Eucharist at Canterbury Cathedral, where the Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Stephen Chow, will deliver a sermon.

Vatican News


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