Sunday of the Word of God 2024

By the Regional Biblical Commission of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei

The Word of God is central to the life, faith and mission of the Church.

To remind us of the centrality of God’s word, on 30 September 2019, Pope Francis instituted the annual observance of the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time as “Sunday of the Word of God”.

Devoting a special day “to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God” will help the church “experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world,” the Pope said. 

The Sunday of the Word of God is not just a one-day event, rather, it should lead to a yearlong series of activities and initiatives to promote reading, studying, meditating and sharing the word of God. 

Since January 2021, the Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei has observed the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary time as Sunday of the Word of God. The Regional Biblical Commission of the Bishops’ Conference has been tasked to oversee this celebration. 

In general, the commission finds that there is low awareness among the faithful of the existence of the Sunday of the Word of God.

There are a few reasons for this. This is a new initiative and it will take some time for the people to be familiar and become fully aware of the importance of the Sunday of the Word of God. 

Coming at the beginning of the year when schools in the region have just reopened and people are busy reorganising themselves after the long Christmas and New Year holidays, it takes time and effort to organise bible activities to promote the Word of God on the 3rd Sunday of the Year.

Nevertheless, the Regional Biblical Commission is committed to creating awareness of the importance of the Sunday of the Word of God in the region.

Here are some suggested activities and initiatives that individuals, families, groups, parishes and dioceses can carry out to deepen our love and understanding of the word of God in the life, faith and mission of the church.


1. Encourage the people to own a bible. Consider a “Buy one, Gift one” campaign where people can pay for two bibles, keep one for themselves and the other to be gifted to a person who can’t afford it. 

2. Enthrone the bible at home. 

3. Encourage the people to read and pray the scripture daily with the help of daily reading guides or through the practice of Lectio Divina. 

4. Choose a book from the bible and follow a reading plan for the year. 


1. Give a Bible, or one of its books, to everyone. 

2. Include the Book of the Gospel in the entrance procession and enthrone it in a prominent place in the sanctuary. The deacon or priest is to proclaim the word of God from the Book of the Gospel. 

3. Emphasise the honour due to the word of God in the homily.

4. Priests are urged to be extra attentive to creating a homily throughout the year that speaks from the heart and really helps people understand Scripture through simple and suitable language. 

5. Provide training for lectors and install or commission them during the Sunday of the Word of God. 

6. Set up a bible apostolate or committee in the parish to promote the Word of God. 

7. Organise Basic Bible Seminars. Those who have attended can go on to form bible sharing groups in the parish. 

8. Organise bible activities for Sunday School students like colouring, bible storytelling, bible quiz, scripture memory etc. to encourage children to read the bible.

9. Organise a bible festival and encourage young people to compose biblical songs, plays and dramas. 

10. Promote online bible courses and other bible study aids.

11. Consider setting up a Bible Month possibly in July each year so that we have more time to organise some of the activities listed above to promote reading, studying and sharing the word of God. 

May we promote reading, praying, studying and sharing the word of God so that the word of God can truly be central to the life, faith and mission of the church. 


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