Kuching Comitium Annual Legionaries Recollection 2023

By LOM Kuching Comitium

KUCHING — The Kuching Comitium annual Legionaries Recollection was held on Saturday, 4 November 2023 at the Mater Domini Auditorium, ACCPC.

“He then went down with them and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in the favour with God and men.” Luke 2: 51-52

Reflecting on this scripture text, Fr Nicholas Ng, Kuching Comitium Spiritual Director, enlightened legionaries that life is a journey—understanding of life and faith experience deepens as we ponder along the journey. Nevertheless, the mystery of our faith is in God’s hands. Thus, we need to learn from Mother Mary to ponder “all these things” in our heart.

In faith, we believe that the Legion is a home in which the members can experience the grace of God like in the home of Nazareth where Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived before. We can connect our Legion Apostolate to the experience of the paschal mystery. In the Legion, we too can learn obedience, and grow in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and men like Jesus in Nazareth. 

Fr Nicholas Ng delivering his talk to the Legionaries.

Fr Nicholas invited Legionaries to emulate the graceful virtues of our Blessed Mother in so far as keeping true to our spirituality and dedication as we execute our pastoral role as a member of her Legion army and the Church, reaching out and comforting the needy, the vulnerable, broken and lost ones, the bereaved and those who are lonely and feel abandoned. 

The recollection which was attended by about 100 legionaries from various Curia and Praesidia, concluded with a Mass and Legion prayers.


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