New St Theresa’s Parish Centre to move forward in green sustainability

Anthony Taguk presenting his proposals at the recent Parish Pastoral Council meeting with (L-3) Rector Fr Lazarus Swinie, (L-2) Dennis Sung and (L-1) Secretary Wilson Banyui.

By Joseph Then

SERIAN — At the St Theresa’s Parish Pastoral Council meeting here recently, the Vice Chairman of the Council, Anthony Taguk who is also the Treasurer of the Parish Pastoral Centre Building Fund, presented his proposals for the next progress of the site for the proposed Parish Pastoral Centre for the consideration of the Council.

He suggested the perimeter of the newly earth-filled site for the Pastoral Centre to be planted with grass to protect from soil erosion and also to provide a green environment. The area would also be planted with selected quality coconut trees along the perimeter to provide revenue for the Building Fund when in fruit. 

Anthony further suggested the existing trees and vegetations on the land annexed to the Centre site to be retained for providing shade for those who use the proposed natural jogging tracks underneath the bush.

He also suggested some rare species of local trees such as belian, rotan and sago palm to be planted to generate revenue from the products to support the Parish Centre, besides providing knowledge of the natural environment to the younger generation. All these planting activities would be done by the parishioners on a self-help basis.

These activities are also in line with providing a green environment as encouraged by the government.

The Parish Pastoral Council agreed in principle to the proposals and proposed to have further discussion with John Sup, Supervisor of the Pastoral Centre Project for further details to organise the parishioners to work together to achieve the goal. 

Dennis Sung, Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council welcomes proposals for further development to benefit the community and said “the proposals are very good to motivate unity, love, understanding and co-operation among parishioners especially the members of Basic Christian Community (BCC), Village Church Management Committees and the lay organisations. It is also good to generate revenues while waiting for the approvals of the plans from the various government agencies.”


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