Altar Servers organise outing to foster friendship and service to God

Altar Servers with Fr Robert Jissem (standing-centre)

By Vincent Christopher

SERIAN On 27-28 August 2023, the Altar servers of St Theresa Catholic Church Serian organised a vacation trip to Roxy Sematan Beach Resort led by Vincent Christopher, leader of the Altar servers, with 27 others including Fr Robert Jissem and Cathecist Royston, for 2-days and 1-night.

The purpose of this vacation is to strengthen the relationship with each other and to increase the commitment of the altar servers in serving the church activities as well as to foster enthusiasm among altar servers to serve God.

May many young people get involved in church activities, especially serving at the Altar in order to be fruitful, fresh and faithful to God.

[ John 15:5 (AVB) I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing ]


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