Healed after 54-Day Novena

A Testimony of Faith and Healing

My name is Jean and I am 64 years old. I am pleased to share with you my journey with God as I prayed for his healing touch.

On 31 May 2020, I suffered excruciating pain in my backbone extending down to my right leg. I could not stand up straight, nor sit down, but had to lie down on the couch or bed, and I could not use my right leg. I went to see an Orthopaedic doctor and he said I had sciatica (pinched nerves at the spine).

Despite some medication the pain never went away. I went for pain management at a Physiotherapy facility, but my right leg continued to cramp, harden, pinch every time I put my foot down.

At home, I prayed four rosaries a day, the Divine Mercy, tuned in to online Daily Masses (Doveton Church, Melbourne) and Retreats and Healing Masses online in the evenings (Perth Vincentian Retreat Centre). Guided by the Holy Spirit I went for confessions after making prior appointments (due to MCO).

Desperate for a healing, I heard about the 54-Day Novena, a beautiful prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary, our counsel and advocate for our petitions. I started on 28 July 2020. The pain was on and off and on 31 August the pain was intense, and the doctor recommended surgery. I was extremely disappointed. But I continued my Novena and that night I experienced something beautiful!

Fast asleep, I was woken up in the night and I saw a huge metallic crucifix coming down from the ceiling above me and hung above the bed. I recognised that it was the same metal crucifix that was attached to my rosary that I held in my hands. I asked, Yes Lord? What is it Lord? But there was silence and I looked in wonderment as it swung gently above me and I fell asleep again, comforted by what I saw.

I continued the Novena prayers and on the 51st and 52nd day of the Novena the pain was unbearable. So, on the 53rd day of the Novena I went to Timberland Medical Centre again. I struggled to get in and out of the car and into the wheelchair. I was wheeled to the Doctor’s room and as I wanted to show him where the pain started, I stood up and to my shock, the pain in my leg disappeared. It was gone! But I kept quiet, the doctor prescribed some medicines, and I was wheeled out.

Once outside, I stood up from the wheelchair and walked around it painlessly!! In that instant I realised that today, on the 53rd day of the Novena, I was healed! Mother Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary interceded for me! Alleluia! I gave many thanks silently in my heart to her and Divine Mercy Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the healing.

Like how some pilgrims have left crutches behind after experiencing healing in Lourdes, I took my wheelchair and pushed it all the way to the entrance of the hospital and left it parked by the side and continued to walk unassisted to our car in the carpark. I asked to be driven to Blessed Sacrament Church and there, I proceeded to the Adoration room and to Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and said my thanksgiving prayers amidst tears of joy.

Signal graces

The notes to the Novena mentioned that signal graces will be given as we recite the Novena.

There were two occasions when an unusually large and bright star hung very low outside my bedroom window at around 4 am in the morning as I started my Novena. Wow, like the ‘star of Bethleham’ I told myself, and the most significant signal grace was the metal crucifix that came down from the ceiling… so beautiful! Several more signal graces were seen but at this point I think it is time to end this long testimony and say thank you again and again to Mother Mary and Divine Mercy Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Forever, Amen!

Attached is the 54-day Novena for whomsoever desires to recite the Novena.


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