Called to love, serve and heal

Cardinal-elect Sebastian Francis praying over Brother George Vaithynathan

By Rachel Anbumalar Sebastiyan

KAMPAR, PERAK — Seminarian George Vaithynathan was ordained a transitional deacon on August 17 at the Church of the Sacred Heart.

More than 600 parishioners and 27 priests across dioceses attended the multilingual Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal-elect, Sebastian Francis, with Msgr James Gnanapiragasam, Msgr Stephen Liew, Msgr Henry Rajoo, and Msgr Jude Miranda concelebrating.

In his address to the congregation, the prelate outlined the responsibilities George assumes as a deacon. A deacon helps the bishop and priests as servants of the Word of God at the altar and in terms of virtue. He will humble himself to become a servant to all people.

Deacon George will serve at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Silibin during this transitional period, added Cardinal-elect Sebastian.

The prelate also encouraged the new deacon, saying, “You not only hear the Word of God but also spread it to other people. Never give up on the hope that the Gospel has promised. Hold fast to the mystery of faith with a sincere heart. Do what your mouth says. Everyone who follows Christ, made alive by the Holy Spirit, will be a constant offering accepted by God. So that when you meet God at the end of time, you will hear Him say, “Well done, faithful servant, rejoice with your Lord.”

In his multilingual thanksgiving speech, the newly ordained Deacon George began with an aphorism, “Whoever fails to love does not know God because God is love.” He chose the theme “God is love” (1 John 4:8), as it speaks of fraternal faith and love in Jesus.

“This evening, God has chosen to bestow on me the gift of servanthood in the priesthood of Christ. It is a call to love, to serve, and to heal,” said Deacon George. He also expressed his deepest gratitude to his family, his formators, seminarians, and the ministries he was involved with during his pastoral phase, for their unwavering support and fervent prayers all these years. He also expressed his gratitude to the Church of the Sacred Heart’s parish priest, Fr Simon Anand, and its parishioners, for their tireless efforts leading up to his diaconate ordination.

Deacon George ended his speech with this beautiful prayer:

O God, when your love spilled over creation, you thought of me.
I am from love, of love, for love.
Let my heart always recognise, cherish, enjoy your goodness in all of creation.
Teach me reverence for every person, all things.
Imbue me in your service and may I always live my life pleasing to you.

Herald Malaysia


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