KOTA PADAWAN – Friar William Lee OFM was officially installed as rector of St Ann’s Parish by Archbishop Simon Poh on 11 November.
Friar William will be assisted by Friar Don Don Ramerez OFM and Friar David Au OFM. In a simple but meaningful ceremony, the staff and the lay leaders of St Ann’s were presented to Friar William, after which the former Rector, Friar Gerard Victor OFM, handed over the parish records to him, symbolising the transfer of office.
In his speech, Archbishop Simon Poh thanked Friar Gerard for his service to the parish for the last 13 years, and in particular, for seeing to the completion of the new church. He believed that the memories and the rich experiences at St Ann’s would be a treasure for him in his future ministry.
Friar William echoed the Archbishop’s sentiments in thanking Friar Gerard for his support and dedicated service. Now that the physical church has been completed, the new Rector said that he would like to focus on building the spiritual church here at Batu-10.
Over the last five years, due to emphasis on the importance of the Eucharist and the setting up of two other Mass centres in the parish, the attendance at Sunday Mass has increased by 3000 to 4000 persons each week. This is an encouraging sign that the faith is indeed growing. With greater appreciation of the Holy Mass, Friar William hoped that more young people would consider the priestly and religious vocation.
In a brief speech, Friar Gerard took the opportunity to thank the diocese and all the parishioners who have supported him throughout the years. He said he would certainly cherish the wonderful memory of having served the people of Sarawak.
During the same Mass, the Archbishop also conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 129 youths.
Fr David Au OFM
Today’s Catholic Vol.30 No.9 December 2019