Call to be ‘True Worshippers’

By Sibu Soccom

SIBU The congregation of Sibu Catholics gathered to celebrate the 38th Anniversary of the Dedication of Sacred Heart Cathedral at the 6pm Mass on 29 July 2023. 38 years ago in 1985, the Church was dedicated as a House of God.

During the Rite and Ritual of dedication, the Church was sacramentally “baptised” with Chrism Oil. Some years ago in 2015, the Cathedral was rededicated, Bishop Joseph Hii recalled, with the anointing of Chrism Oil on the Altar and the 12 pillars in the Cathedral, amongst others.

Together with Bishop Joseph Hii to concelebrate the dedication Mass were Monsignor Michael Lee, Capuchin Raphael Samosir, Rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral Fr Phillip Hu and Rev Fr Edward Raymond.

During the homily, His Lordship reminded his people of their baptism and confirmation. Through the reception of these graces, we were sacramentally “dedicated” i.e. “set apart” to do the will of God.

“Do you not realise that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you and whom you received from God?” 1 Cor 6:19

Our sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation oblige us with the solemn duty to spread the sacredness and the holiness of God to the whole world. We are called, not only to be holy in this temple but in the world.

Holiness is not only for our individual purpose, but it is to be manifested in the community, meaning in the places where we meet people, our workplace, society and community at large.

If we can manifest this sacredness and holiness beyond this temple, we would be the “true worshippers” that Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman, in the Gospel of John 4:25 “when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth: that is the kind of worshipper the Father seeks.”   


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