Pentecost reality check for Penang Cathedral parishioners

Bishop Sebastian Francis during the Eucharistic Celebration at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.

By Lucille Dass

Parishioners of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit prepared for their parish feast day with a triduum and vigil. These were animated by the five ministry cluster groups of the parish and culminated with the Eucharistic celebration on Pentecost.

The main theme for the celebration was Fan into flame the gift of God (2 Timothy 1:6). Preachers for the triduum included Franciscan Friars Fr Esmond Chua and Crispus Mosinoh; Fr Desmond Jansen and parish priest Fr Joachim Robert, while Frs Simon Lau and John Anandan, OFM, Cap ministered to the Mandarin- and Tamil-speaking communities respectively.

On the Solemnity of Pentecost, Bishop Sebastian Francis presided at the Sunday mid-morning multi-lingual Mass with Fr Joachim and Fr Francis Anthony concelebrating.

“The waiting is over!” Bishop Sebastian began his homily. “The nine-day wait in the Upper Room led by Peter, is all planned with precision as it is for us today.” From the cathedra, the prelate taught through “reality check” questions. Reality check one — “What happened on that day (Acts 2:1-14) to change the course and history of humankind, not just the Church? The historical, physical Jesus was not there! Peter took over the leadership.” The gathered group (Acts 1: 12-14) was “ordered to go proclaim the Resurrection” to the whole world.

He marvelled that Pentecost – the Jewish Harvest Festival – Shavuot, coincided with Kaamatan – Sabah harvest festival; Gawai – Sarawak harvest festival; and Panen – the Indonesian harvest fest, acknowledging the migrant Indonesian population in Malaysia. “More importantly, it’s the harvest festival of the Holy Spirit!” We too must come out of our ‘upper room,’ get-up-and-go like Mary, hailed by the Holy Spirit, arose and went with haste (Lk 1:39); like the Prodigal Son who was interiorly prompted to get up and go to his father (Lk15:18).

“The sound and wind effects (Acts 2:1-11) accompanying Pentecost are similar to your vibrant and Spirit-filled rendition of Gloria.” The gushing wind from the upper atmosphere “forced out” the disciples; the “tongues of fire” empowered them to mission. “Our faith is based on Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, not just on sentiments, emotions, or illusory artistic impressions of Pentecost, no matter how romantic.” Sixteen different nationals heard and understood the one language Peter spoke! “So, reality check two — Is there one dominant language or culture in the Catholic Church?” In answer, he quoted a sixth century unknown African author, “The Church in its unity speaks in the language of every nation.”

Reality check three – “Where is Jesus today since the Holy Spirit is in charge of the continuation of the mission?” He is seated at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us (Rom. 8:34) … according to our Profession of Faith and the Gloria. The Most Holy Trinity enfolds and unfolds “the completion of the revelation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Reality check four – “Who is Peter today? Pope Francis. Who are the Apostles? The bishops. Who are you? Disciples of Jesus … gifted, blessed, unforgotten.”

Reality check five – “What is the mission now of the Holy Spirit?” To purify us for mission in communion with the Trinitarian God, and with the whole of creation. Final reality check and exhortation – “So what do we do now? Remember your chosen theme (2 Tim. 1:6), and get out of your upper room to celebrate who and what you are gifted with by the Holy Spirit.” With enthusiasm, the prelate compelled us to savour the need to be bold witnesses of our indwelling Holy Spirit.

In closing, Fr Joachim expressed his appreciation to those involved in the 50-day joyful journey culminating in Pentecost. After the feast day cake cutting, all adjourned for fellowship lunch.



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