Kaamatan is about the true value of human work

Fr David Sham blesses the coconut fruit with shoot during the Eucharistic celebration

By Juliana Ringginon

LAWA MONDOU, TELIPOK — The harvest festival is a celebration of hard work and also a thanksgiving to the Lord who inspired and blessed our work, said Fr David Sham, rector of Holy Family Church, Telipok Parish, during the Parish Kaamatan celebration at St Anne Chapel, Lawa Mondou on May 1. The celebration was co-organized by Social & Recreation Committee of Holy Family Church and St. Anne Chapel, Lawa Mondou. Concelebrating with Fr David were Fr Sylvester Wong, Fr Mattheus A. Luta and Fr Postinus Kurup.

The parish-level celebration was attended by Catholics from all chapels under Telipok parish, namely St. Anne Lawa Mondou; Chapel of St. Irenius, Natai Siba; Chapel of St. Lazarus, Natai Sokid; Chapel of St. Flora, Lapasan; Chapel of St. Petrus Tampulan; Chapel of St. Francis Xavier, Bunsut; Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Kayu Madang; and Divine Mercy Church in Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP).

Prior to the Eucharistic celebration, traditional activities were held on April 14 where Catholics took part to compete in several activities such as melastik (sling competition), rampanau (walking using bamboo), moniri parai (separating the rice from paddy), sundait (riddle naming), togunggak (bamboo music play), sugandoi (singing competition), manangon-tangon (storytelling), the best kinomol (rice wine), traditional recipes and the unduk ngadau (Kaamatan Beauty based on the Huminodun legendary characters).

Elaborating the conception of ‘work’ in his homily, Fr Sham said that, there is one thing that we need to get rid of from our thoughts with regards to work. He said, when discussing about work, we always talk about ‘salary’, be it working on our own, in the government or in the private sectors. Our mind is primarily focussed on receiving a salary. In fact, for us Christians on the contrary, the work of our hands must have deeper meaning than just getting a salary.

He added that we need to work, both to fulfil our needs and as God’s people, to fulfil God’s will. “If our understanding of ‘work’ is so limited, we are no longer God’s people but worldly people”, he explained. Our works must have something to do with the Creator. If our work is ‘disconnected’ from the Creator, and if it has nothing to do with God’s work, then our work loses its value and meaning. Work becomes just to earn a living, pursue luxury and it ends there, Fr Sham added. He then gave the example of St. Joseph, the Worker who lived according to the will of God and His word. The ‘job’ that Joseph undertakes, became his calling and mission, which made great impact and influence on Jesus, the Word of God become flesh. Not only was he making a living, but he was responsible for a greater work that was by loving the Word of God who became man, guiding Him with his works of love. Work that prioritizes God in life, praying together, worshipping together and loving Jesus. In fact, Joseph and Mary have truly worked according to God’s will. 

He reminded all the parishioners who came to celebrate the Tadau Kaamatan that God never stops working. “God is working through His creation, that is the work of love that gives life. He still participates and still guides His people throughout the ages and especially through culture even now. God doesn’t stop working, He continuously manifests Himself through His creation and cultures in this pomogunan (world)”, he said.

At the end of the Mass, Mr. Lawrence Kimkuan, the Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council of Holy Family Telipok in his speech congratulated Mr. Norbert Stephen, the Chairman of Basic Christian Community in St. Anne for his hard work in ensuring the success of the event.

Catholic Sabah


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