Vocation Sunday Special

St Peter’s College Major Seminary, Kuching: Seminarians with (Rector) Fr Patrick Heng, (Formators) Fr Francis Dukun and Fr Paul Ling, front row 4, 5, 6 left, respectively.

“O Jesus, divine Shepherd of souls, you called the apostles and made them fishers of men. Continue to draw to yourself ardent and generous souls from among the young, in order to make them your followers and your ministers. Give them a share in your thirst for the redemption of all… Open before them the horizons of the entire world… By responding to your call, may they prolong your mission here on earth, build up your Mystical Body which is the Church, and be ‘the salt of the earth’ and ‘the light of the world’ (Mt 5:13)”.

(Prayer that Saint Paul VI composed for the first World Day of Vocations, 11 April 1964 – taken from Message of Pope Francis’ 2023 World Day of Prayer for Vocations)

In conjunction with Vocation Sunday celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Seminarians from St Peter’s College Major Seminary in Kuching give an insight into their formation years at the seminary.

Life as a Seminarian

The crux of seminary experience is… formation. Seminary formation is akin to a metal ore ironsmith (God) moulding me into the personhood of Christ through the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Throughout my formation years, I have experienced a rather winding, steep mountainous journey. Nevertheless, despite the challenges, it helped me to unlearn and relearn, grow more mature, compassionate, caring and ultimately a disciple after His heart, loving as Jesus loves (John 13:34).

George Vaithynathan
Theology Year 5, Diocese of Penang

Life in the seminary is different every day, regardless of the fixed schedule, the routines and common faces. It is different because people, myself and circumstances change and these changes can either motivate or intimidate. Amidst all these, the Lord is unchanging, and His love becomes more real daily, and here lies the beauty of formation! “One day at a time sweet Jesus. Just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do”.

Patrick Hilary
Theology Year 2, Diocese of Penang

Pelbagai pengalaman yang saya perolehi semasa proses pembentukan di seminari. Pada mulanya saya andaikan diri saya seperti cawan besi – kuat, kukuh dan tidak mudah pecah. Namun saya menyedari saya cuma sebuah gelas nipis yang rapuh dan boleh pecah pada bila-bila masa; namun masih boleh diisi dengan air dan masih boleh bertahan untuk menempuhi cabaran yang mendatang. Seminarian adalah manusia biasa yang boleh bergembira, boleh berseronok, boleh mengeluh dan ada masanya boleh menangis. Jom sertai kami!

Lordkennylister P James
Teologi Tahun 1, Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu

「他们专心听取宗徒的训诲,时常团聚,擘饼,祈祷。」 (宗徒大事录 2:42)


诗巫教区, 神学二年


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