My Journey of Faith (Part 6)

By Charles Chin Bui Chin

I was born without any religious background since my parents were staying in the countryside and had little exposure to religion. In 1972, I had the chance to stay in the Catholic mission boarding school and from there I was exposed to the Roman Catholic religion and used to go to the church and pray in the morning and on Sundays as it was just nearby. There was no encouragement to be baptised as a real Christian back then.

Upon my retirement from work, I felt that this was the time for me to be closer to God after I discussed with my family. With the encouragement from them, I registered with the RCIA at Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang.

After joining the RCIA, I was able to know our church members especially our coordinators and other brothers and sisters well. I know better about our Holy Church, our Holy Days, all the saints, when to pray, where to pray, what to say, how to pray correctly and with the proper intentions. Jesus Christ had died for us on the cross and God saved us all in this world. Our Father has delivered us from sin and evil so we can be close to Him with the Holy Spirit. We can have eternal life with God after we leave this world.

After my baptism at the Easter Vigil, I am now accepted as a member of the Catholic family. I wish to bring God’s message to other people always and honour everybody including those who are not Christians. Peace be with every one of us always.


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