Celebrating a decade of Pope Francis’ papacy

Archbishop Wojciech Załuski flanked by Archbishop Simon Poh and Archbishop Julian Leow during the Mass on March 13, 2023. (Photo: Jeffrey Chee)

By Susai Anthony Muthu

KUALA LUMPUR — The Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur celebrated the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF) on March 12.

It has been the tradition for this to be celebrated at the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia.

Unfortunately, the cathedral is closed for repairs, following a termite infestation. Archbishop Julian Leow then approached OLF parish priest, Fr William Michael, to host the event at his parish.

Fr William and team set to work to ensure the celebrations would be conducted in a manner befitting the Vicar of Christ on earth.

A larger than usual number of faithful gathered on the Third Sunday of Lent to celebrate the 266th successor of St Peter, including diplomats and dignitaries. The congregation prayed the Rosary for the intentions of the Pope before the Mass.

The liturgical celebration was presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia, Archbishop Wojciech Załuski.

Concelebrating were Archbishop Julian Leow, Archbishop Simon Poh of Kuching, Msgr Stanislaus Soosaimariam, Msgr Patrick Boudville, Fr William, Fr Andrew Manickam OFM Cap, and Fr Konstand Gnanapragasam from the Diocese of Penang.

Archbishop Julian, in his homily, reflected on the papacy of Pope Francis and how His Holiness has constantly reminded us “of our role as Catholics, of who we are and more importantly, of who God is”. The prelate added that the Holy Father has never feared courting controversy in his efforts to bring about change that reflected the mercy and compassion of God.

Archbishop Wojciech asked the congregation to pray for the Holy Father – something the Holy Father requested from the first day of his pontificate. The faithful recited a special prayer for Pope Francis and, led by the choir, concluded the celebration with echoes of ‘God Bless Our Pope, the Great the Good’ as they belted out ‘Full in the Panting Heart of Rome’.

The following day, the apostolic nuncio hosted a reception at his residence. Among those present were the Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation. Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup. ambassadors, dignitaries and church representatives.

Herald Malaysia Online


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