Transformation can happen through intercessory prayers

From top left, Silvan Miranda, Cyril John, Satyaprakash Yadav and Fr Bobby Emprayil VC. Bottom: The participants during praise and worship.

By Linda Edward

KOTA KINABALU — There is no other time when intercessory prayer is so necessary, apart from this time of turbulence in the world. Chevalier Cyril John said transformation of the world can happen through intercessions.

Cyril John, Coordinator for CHARIS Intercession Commission, International, said this at an event in Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) here called “An incredible evening of Encounter with Jesus”, March 9.

John said the “enemy of human being” is always around destroying individual, families, communities, Church and countries, which are visible nowadays, and that this is the time when the Lord is raising up intercessors all over the world to respond to “the signs of time”.

He said this to a great turnout of parishioners of close to 900 people, not only from the three Sabah dioceses, but also from Kuching, Miri, Kuala Lumpur and Brunei.

In his session, John mentioned names of a few countries where intercessory prayers have helped in their transformation when intercessors called upon the intervention of the Holy Spirit in prayers.

In a prophetic message, John said the Lord desires to bring a new Pentecost in the Church and that intercessors are God’s ‘secret agent’.

“Intercessors must pray with faith. God is empowering His intercessors with heavenly insights and unrivalled strength, they are His secret weapon, and they are commissioning you as His secret agents,” said John.

Praying in small prayer group is a prayer between souls and God, and the Lord is acting upon those prayers, John continued.

He said to everyone who was present on that night that they are called to be an intercessor, and asked if they want to accept the call.

CHARIS Intercession Commission is organizing two international events to provide prophetic intercession trainings to intercessors and the aspiring ones.

CHARIS Prophetic Intercession Training for Asia Region will be held locally on Aug 14-19, 2023 in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu, with Cyril John and Archbishop Francis Kalist as main speakers. The theme for the training is “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16).

Another event is CHARIS Worldwide Intercessors’ Conference which will be held on May 2-5, 2023 in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast with the theme “For such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

John said if the people are accepting the call to be intercessors, he urged them to participate in the events for a proper training. The person to contact for the above events are Priscilla Henry from CHARIS Malaysia at 011-3332 2725.

Besides John’s session in SHC, the participants were also edified with a talk entitled “Illuminate the Light from Christ to the World” by Silvan Miranda, Coordinator of CHARIS India, a testimony by Satyaprakash Yadav, CHARIS Youth Representative from India, and finally with a healing and deliverance service by Fr Bobby Emprayil VC, Director of Divine Glory Retreat Center in Manipur India.

Catholic Sabah


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