Bishop Joseph Hii launched the logos for Jubilee 2025 & PMPC 2026 during Mass on 12 Nov 2022, Kemuyan Pastoral Centre, Sibu. (Photo: Sibu Soccom)

By the Diocese of Sibu Soccom

SIBU — The Sibu Diocesan Pastoral Assembly was attended by 120 representatives from across 12 Parishes throughout the Diocese of Sibu.

His Lordship Bishop Joseph Hii kick started the preparation of Jubilee 2025 and launched the preparation for Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention PMPC 2026 during the Mass celebrated on Saturday 12 November 2022 at Kemuyang Pastoral Centre.

In his Lordship’s exhortation, he pleaded with the People of God to be patient with one another and with ourselves as God has been patient with Humanity.

The local church had heard and listened to the cry of its people throughout the liturgical year as the people of God entered into the process of journeying together in Synodality. “What you have reported in the Synodality is precious!” His Lordship reaffirmed.

The church echoed “Reformation”.

In response to this process of synodality that we have undertaken, His Lordship invites us to journey with him and urges us to return to the “Second Vatican Council”.

To re-examine and re-discover the treasure found in the four essential documents that the Council gave as means to give light to the problems encountered in our times.

Furthermore, His Lordship invites the assembly to receive this light and wisdom in the encyclical letters and apostolic exhortations of His Holiness Pope Francis, as humanity confront its crisis in the family, church, society and creation.  

To help the Assembly of the people of God in its preparation of the Jubilee 2025 “Pilgrim of Hope” and Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention PMPC, Fr Alphonsus Tang began with an introduction of the purpose of the Assembly, while Fr Ivan Fang explained its connection with the journey of Synod on Synodality.

The Assembly took the people to revisit the fruits of the Second Vatican Council, the four important constitutions of the Church.

Fr Simon Lau summarised the key points on the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosantum Concilium).

Fr Philip Hu spoke on the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium).

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) was summarised by Fr Ivan Fang.

While Fr Alphonsus illustrated the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum).

The Second Day of the event was focused on 2 encyclical letters and 2 apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis.

Msgr Michael Lee spoke on Amoris Laetitia – Love in the Family.

Fr Joseph Sebastian led the lively discussion on Evangeli Gaudium – the Joy of the Gospel.

Fr Oniz Kihokolho spoke on Laudato Si – Care for our Common Home.

Fr Raphael Samosir led the discussion on Fratelli Tutti – Fraternity and Social Friendship.

The Assembly’s Representatives are given the mission to bring this knowledge back to their respective parishes and kick start their own respective Parish Pastoral Assembly.

And around this time next year, all these respective parishes are to return to present their reports and findings to the Sibu Diocesan Pastoral Assembly.


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