Parish priest Fr Wilfred Atin and Fr Gilbert Marcus together with Penampang parish FABC Team during their first technical and preparation meeting at St Michael’s Mission office 1 Oct

By JJ/Soccom Penampang

PENAMPANG — St Michael’s Penampang parish is abuzz with preparation to represent Malaysia in the ‘Virtual Parish Visit in Asia’ in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the Federation of Asia Bishops’ Conference (FABC) General Conference 2022.

The virtual event will take place on Oct 23 starting from 10.30 am Thailand standard time (around 11.30 am Malaysia time) via zoom conference.

It is expected to be “visited” by over 150 bishops from Asia as part of the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC) in Bangkok, October 12-30 2022.

The shepherds of Asia in making virtual visits to parishes in different Asian countries will interact with several people in the field and those directly affected by new realities in Asia, and to reflect on and deepen an understanding of the emerging realities impacting the Churches in Asia.

Parish priest Fr Wilfred Atin through the parish website announcement on Oct 7 informed that St Michael Penampang is honoured and privileged to have been selected as the only parish to represent Malaysia for this special occasion.

He added, apart from the video presentation of the parish activities, there will be a follow up of short dialogue with the bishops.

Fr Atin underscored that the FABC 50 General Conference will have significant importance to all parishes/churches in Asia after the deliberation and outcome.

He urged all parishioners to visit the parish website ‘’ to find more about the FABC objectives.

Catholic Sabah


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