St John’s youth ministry spreads spirit of Merdeka

St John’s youth ministry members first ‘Merdeka Outreach’ walk in two years.

By David Naden

KUALA LUMPUR — The St John Youth Ministry (SJYM) from the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur for their “Merdeka Outreach”, after a two-year hiatus given the COVID-19 restrictions. In the spirit of patriotism and good cheer, this annual walk by the Cathedral’s youth was a chance for them to come together again to spread the “Merdeka spirit”, and reach out to all.

The day began with a bilingual Mass, celebrated by Fr Edwin Peter. The SJYM animated the Mass, taking on the roles of lectors, cantor, and commentator. The choir was a collaboration between the Cathedral Choirs and the SJYM. Altar servers, too, lined up in decent numbers to give the liturgy an added solemnity. Fr Edwin, in his homily, prompted the faithful to remember with gratitude, not just the last 65 years, but the journey that was made in the pursuit of independence, the good and bad things that transpired, and also, to pray for those in the margins who made Malaysia the nation it is today.

After Mass, the youth made their way down to the streets of Kuala Lumpur. As they walked, patriotic songs were sung aloud, and many passing pedestrians took up and joined in the singing too. Flags were also given out along the way. More importantly, many care packs were distributed to the homeless and those in need, who were on the streets. These care packs contained light food, refreshment, and essential items. It was indeed a learning experience for many teenagers and young adults in the group, to reach out and distribute these care packs, and to be appreciative and grateful for the blessings bestowed on them. After the walk, they returned to the church grounds for fellowship and games.

As Fr Edwin said in his homily, Almighty God placed us in this nation for a purpose. Let us make full use of this opportunity to be vessels and instruments of peace and love in our country.

Herald Malaysia Online


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