Joyous meet-up at Catholic Bishops’ Conference

Celebration of morning Mass. (Photo: CBCMSB)

By Charles Bertille

PETALING JAYA It was a joyous moment when the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei (CBCMSB) gathered for their 110th Meeting at the CCM premises in Petaling Jaya on 8-12 August 2022.

It has been two and a half years since the bishops met face-to-face because of the outbreak of the pandemic. The joy was visible as the conference president Sebastian Francis and brother bishops welcomed the third cardinal-elect from the Conference, Archbishop William Goh of Singapore.

The conference spent some time to hear the cardinal-elect on his hopes and concerns the very first evening, and in turn expressed their affirmation and support. Cardinal-elect expressed his desire to bring the voice of the local churches to Rome as well as to further develop the role of the conference in the region.

Synod Summary Presentations

The next day, the bishops heard the Synod summary presentations from Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. It helped instill a deeper appreciation of the situation of each local church. The bishops then went on to deliberate on the Synod synthesis report as a conference, presented by the executive secretary.

The bishops unanimously accepted the report and proposed some additions. They found the problems faced by the local churches were basically similar, in varying degrees.

The synodal process will continue with the final conference report sent to the Synod Secretariat in Rome, and the Federation of Asian Bishops (FABC) office in Bangkok. The Asian bishops will deliberate on the reports from Asia in January 2023, and the universal Synod of Bishops meet in Rome in October 2023.

Meeting with Major Religious Superiors

There was an evening fellowship dinner with about 20 major religious superiors from Singapore-Malaysia, who were also having their conference meet.

Meeting of the Catholic bishops and major religious superiors, 10 August 2022

The following day the religious and bishops discussed in-depth and reflected together on some of their shared concerns namely, the Pan-Malaysia Religious Assembly (PMRA) to be held from 8-11 June 2023 in Majodi, Johore.

The objective is to discern what the Spirit is calling the religious to respond through inputs, prayerful reflection and sharing; and to explore ways of moving forward as consecrated religious congregations and each congregation to then implement the PMRA.

The bishops encouraged them to ‘widen their tents’ and ensure the participation of all congregations and their active members. This was followed by a discussion on the “Safeguarding of minors & vulnerable adults”, as per the Motu Proprio of Pope Francis, Vos Estis Lux Mundi in May 2019.

Various insights and recommendations were shared. Everyone expressed satisfaction with the open discussions and fraternal atmosphere. The remaining days were spent discussing matters such as Catechists, Pan-Malaysia Pastoral Convention (PMPC) 2026 and other concerns.

New Book “Identity: Identified”

Bishops showing their copies of the new testament book

The general secretary of the Bible Society of Malaysia, Rev Mathew Punnoose, also called on the bishops to share on the progress of a new testament book with reflection articles for young people. The joint launching of the book titled, “Identity: Identified” will be held on 9 January 2023 at St Anne’s, Bukit Mertajam.

This will be in conjunction with the inauguration of the Basilica of St Anne’s on the same day; and to be followed by the 111th meeting of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei from 10–13 January, 2023 at Bukit Mertajam.

Meanwhile, we wish Cardinal-elect William Goh and all the cardinals who will be gathered with Pope Francis in Rome a blessed and grace-filled consistory. Our prayers accompany them.


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