John Seven Plus One – Reflection 4/8

A series of Lenten (and Easter) Reflections based on the signs in the Gospel of John by Fr Francis Lim, SJ, every Thursday (except Tuesdays during Holy Week and Easter Week).
The Gospel of John is also known as the Book of Signs. John portrays these signs as works of wonder by Jesus in order for believers to deepen their faith in Jesus. Through these reflections, Fr Francis hopes to bring our parishioners to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.

Reflections on the Feeding of the Five Thousand

Feeding of the Five Thousand in John 6:5-15 (23 March)
Like the little boy with the five loaves and two fishes, what is the little I can offer to God in exchange for a bigger miracle? What has God given to me? What does the Eucharist mean to me?

Reflection 1
Ever since I gradually learnt to place my complete faith and trust in God, I have received countless blessings from Him for which I am very grateful and thankful. My day will start with praising and thanking God for all He has bestowed upon me even in the face of trials I may encounter sometimes in life.

In return, I am always praying to Him to lead a more prayerful life in order to grow closer to Him and to love Him more by partaking of the Eucharist during Mass; to spend quiet time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to express how thankful and deeply grateful I am for all He has done for me. 

Reflection 2
1. What have I received from God so far? Am I thankful?
Divine love and peace seep into me.

2. What have I to offer in return to God and others?
A reflection of his love and words learned is practised towards others despite lack of faith in them. I live with His love even though I’m poor.

3. What does the Eucharist mean to me?
Feeling fulfillment of his divine mercy and love, consoling, deeper meaning of healing in my spirit to brave rough journeys and embrace every moment.

Reflection 3
1. What have I received from God so far? Am I thankful? God’s love, peace and joy. Yes, I am very thankful to God.

2. What have I to offer in return to God and others? Spend time with him, read his words, be obedient and help others.

3. What does the Eucharist mean to me? Jesus is alive and is present in the Eucharist.

Reflection 4
1. I have received so much from God; from big things to small things. Things that I take for granted. God gave me my health, my family who loves me, a comfortable home, food on the table every day, a good education. Everything is from God. Even the little things – God does not forget them. He gives me things that I want but not necessarily need. And I thank God for everything he has given me. I may not be aware of them all the time, but I know God provides everything.

2. I have only myself to offer to God and to others. I want to offer love to everyone I meet so people can see the love God has for everyone.

3. The Eucharist is a time and place for me to focus solely on God. God is present everywhere and all the time with me but the Eucharist is the time I spend especially for God – to be with Him and adore Him and pay attention to Him.

Reflection 5
What have I received from God so far? Despite my occasional denials, I think abundant – some very explicit, some not. Why do I deny? I think it is because whatever has been given does not quite meet my expectations. I realise that I have not fully embraced the idea of “Thy will be done”; I am still very much indulge in “my” will. As a result, disappointment ensues when my wish or desire is not granted, and the tendency of blaming God for not attending to my needs is always there. Thus, condemnation brews and bitterness sets in.

Am I thankful? Most of time, I would say yes, especially when God shares the same wavelength as me. On the other hand, there are times I am just blinded to God’s blessings, particularly when I think my expectations are not met. I tend to think that God has not listened to me or tend to my needs despite my earnest prayers and devotion of becoming His servant. I guess I am a mere human, thus having earthly expectations of labour and return is of norm; divine way of rewarding is kind of beyond my grasp.

What have I to offer in return to God and others? I guess I would do my best to help especially in terms of service and money within my capability. However, I am still quite selective in a way. My reclusive nature does not quite allow me to freely volunteer to work with anyone as I do not warm up so easily with others. I am hoping one day I can serve God without holding anything back. I do believe in doing little things with great love – that is what drives me into volunteering and helping in whatever ways I can.

What does the Eucharist mean to me? It is a medium bringing me closer to God – the Eucharist serves symbolically as the physical presence of God, making Him more tangible. For some of us who cannot visualize, this can be difficult. By consuming Eucharist, it kind of comforts me as I am one with God.

Reflection 6
1. What have I received from God so far? Am I thankful?
I have a job with a good pay, my siblings are all around me and God always grant me graces in my everyday life. I am so thankful for what He has done in my life.

2. What have I to offer in return to God and others?
Serve God’s people in my kampung church by becoming a Sunday School Teacher, established Divine Mercy Devotion prayer group by praying it at 3.00 pm every Sunday at church and visit the sick.

3. What does the Eucharist mean to me?
Food for my spirit, to strengthen my faith, I can feel the love of God so strong in me. He heals my body and soul. I put my trust and hope in Him alone and He always answers my prayer when I ask and pray to Him during the consecration of the Eucharist where I believe Jesus Christ is really present there.

Read also:
[1/8] Reflections on the Wedding of Cana
[2/8] Reflections on the Healing of the Royal Official’s Son
[3/8] Reflections on the Healing by the Pool of Bethesda
[5/8] Reflections on Jesus Walking on Water
[6/8] Reflections on Healing of the Man Born Blind



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