About 160 from SHC Neocatechumenal Communities Celebrate Easter at CAC

Fr Ernesto (center) celebrating Easter with the Neocatechumenal communities at CAC Saturday night Apr 16, 2022.

By Joe Leong

KOTA KINABALU — The five communities of the Neocatechumenal Way in the Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) Parish here celebrated Easter Vigil on Saturday evening (April 16) for over five hours.

About 160 of them, including young children, attended the celebration held for the first time at the new Catholic Archdiocesen Centre, close to the SHC.

Fr. Ernesto Lagan, a brother of the 1st SHC Community who is on holiday from a parish in Taiwan that he is serving, presided over the assembly.

In his homily, he spoke on how that night was important & special.

He said this was the night that God proclaimed to them, his people, that he was among them and that he loved them as they are.

“He sent his son who was victorious, entering into death and resurrected.

“He sent his Holy Spirit to us as promised. Therefore, we are here tonight because of the love of God,” he told them.

After the liturgy of the Light and the Word, there was baptism of a baby boy, Isaac, born on Feb 22, 2022, first child of Andre Dunstan A. Ringgingon and Emaculate Chung.

The Easter celebration was filled with psalms and songs throughout led by cantors of the communities

It was a night filled with joy, interlaced with palms & songs including those sung by young children of the communities.

Some brothers, including parents of the children present gave an echo to the Word and spoke of the marvels of God’s helping hand in their life.

On hand to assist Fr Ernesto in conducting the Easter Vigil program were, Edward Muthu, Roger Tanduba, & Ian Richard, responsibles of the communities.

Catholic Sabah


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