Celebrating Easter Sunday at Chapel of Mother Mary

Photo: Jude De'Rozario

By Jude De’Rozario

KUCHING — On 17 April 2022, two Holy Masses were celebrated on Easter Sunday 2022 at the Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong in Bahasa Malaysia and in English respectively.

Msgr William Sabang, Rector of Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong, celebrated the Bahasa Malaysia Mass at 9.30 am by while Fr Martin Wong celebrated in English the 6.00 pm Mass.

During the morning Mass, four Elects having undergone almost one year of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) programme received the Sacrament of Baptism and the Sacrament of Confirmation and for their first time partook in receiving Holy Communion.

A total number of 221 parishioners attended the 9.30 am mass while 134 parishioners attended the 6.00 pm Mass.


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