God’s love “comes alive” at Life in the Spirit Seminar

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING — The Emmaus Servant Community organised a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) for adults on 9-13 March with a concluding session on 16 March 2022, after a hiatus of two years because of the Covid pandemic.

50 plus participants comprising Emmaus aspirants, friends of Emmaus, and RCIA candidates from Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) who are preparing for the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation attended the LSS.

On the first night of the seminar, Fr Patrick Heng, Rector of BSC and Head Shepherd of Emmaus, in his opening address, prayed for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the participants and hoped that they be inspired. The LSS was conducted mainly via Zoom.

Participants who were able to attend the weekend sessions held at the Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, were encouraged to do so, so they could physically experience God’s love “coming alive” under the watchful eyes of the Emmaus healing team during the Talks and prayers on “Inner Healing”, “Who Is the Holy Spirit & How the Holy Spirit Works In Our Lives?”, and “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”.

Members from the Emmaus Healing Ministry, adhering strictly to the pandemic SOPs were on standby to assist the participants during these sessions.

Only participants who had tested negative from Covid through self-testing kits were allowed in the parish hall. All others attended the sessions live-streamed from the hall to them, via Zoom.

Participants were asked to share how they felt before and after attending the LSS. As with every LSS conducted by Emmaus over the years, several participants considered the seminar a “life changing experience” with many saying they experienced God’s love and healing touch. They were delivered and set free from their bondages.

While some of them felt a heavy burden being lifted off their shoulders, others felt more compassion and love for others and were now able to forgive past hurts and people, especially their family members, parents and children. Some threw away their tarot cards and fung shui crystals, believing now that God is the true God.

Below are some testimonies:

I felt hesitant to attend because I didn’t know what to expect. However, I gained from the experience of the seminar, and it has reinforced what I learnt from RCIA. I feel better equipped in my journey towards Baptism and Confirmation.

I couldn’t stand my father’s sarcasm and criticism and couldn’t talk to my children without nagging them. Now, I am able to have a conversation with my father in spite of his sarcasm and criticism. I can also have a proper conversation with my children without nagging them.

I was feeling guilty over not treating God’s creatures with compassion. The guilt has now left me. I experienced waves surrounding me. There was cold wind blowing (not air-con) and I saw a vision of a resurrected Christ in a brilliant white garment coming out of the Cross with brilliant white lights. Everything was brilliant white.

I worried over so many things and felt stressed and anxious, insecure, hatred and anger, and lacked excitement during praise and worship. At the seminar, I experienced God’s love and peace. Jesus has become more alive in me through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I felt healing in my inner soul and body. Jesus has set me free from my worries and anxieties and I am able to forgive myself and people who hurt my feelings. I experienced renewal of the gift of tongues and can wholeheartedly and freely praise and worship God.

Now I can forgive my father for not showing his love for me when I was young. I believe inner healing is now taking place in my life after so many years being imprisoned by anger, resentment, grudges towards my late father. Now I understand God’s love towards me.

The inner healing session helped me to release all the emotions I had suppressed during my dad’s funeral a long time ago, and my mum’s recent funeral. I was unable to cry then, but when the healing team advised me to “let go” of my emotions, I was able to cry and now feel better.

Members from the Emmaus Teaching Ministry who conducted the LSS were Pauline Lim, Christina Eng, John Wong, Thomas Ngu, Juliana Kuek, Ivonson Kwee, Adeline Bong and Ivy Chai.


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