MARIAN 90: Life in the Spirit

KUCHING — Six young adults from Kuching took up a commitment to join a 90-Day Journey: Marian Life in the Spirit organised by CHARIS Malaysia and facilitated by The Seeds Ministry, Penang and a few young adults from across Malaysia.

The vision of the programme is ‘to form a nationwide community of young adults who actively live life in the spirit with the help of our Mother Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit’ where Mother Mary can help us become more open and receptive to the Holy Spirit as well as personal and intentional in our relationship with God.

The programme runs for 90 days from 16 January 2022 until Easter Sunday on 17 April 2022.

The group of nearly 40 young adults meets on Sunday evenings online for a time of praise and worship, an input session followed by group discussion and concluding with a session of question and answers. Throughout the week, there are daily readings, rosary and prayer and some ascetism practices such as fasting on certain days, cutting down on electronic use and sweet drinks, avoiding consumption of snacks and sugary drinks as well as daily cold showers.

The participants are midway through the programme and shared the following:

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned.” John 15:5-6

I joined Marian 90 because I had been feeling quite distant from God. Previously, I had been thinking what would happen in the long run if I don’t serve God in the Church, not taking part actively in Church events, or even slowly becoming a distant parishioner. As I was doing my reflection throughout Marian 90, I was constantly reminded about one thing—I was sure to lose the anchor, hope and light of my life if I do not let God be the centre of my life—without Him I am nothing. Turning away from God, I may be successful in material terms; flourishing financially or I may just live an ordinary life. Living as a Roman Catholic, it doesn’t make me a special person on Earth, but my life is filled with assurance that I am created for a great purpose—to glorify Him with all I am. Whatever choices I make in my life, the Lord is forever longing to journey with me. God has given me a great gift—his own mother as my companion. Throughout the past 51 days of Marian 90, Mother Mary had always been leading me to God. I hope to gain the fruit of the Spirit especially patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness and gentleness.

~ 8/3/22 Marian 90 Day 51, Joanne Lim

I joined Marian 90 because I was curious and wanted to challenge myself to change my habits especially in spiritual sense. The highlights of Marian 90 so far are the sharing and talk sessions which are very down-to-earth and relatable in one way or the other. From the 90 days of Marian 90, I seek to gain a better spiritual lifestyle that focuses more on Our Heavenly Father’s love, one that is Christ-centred and led by the Holy Spirit.

~ Eliezer Lazarus

I joined Marian 90 as an effort to do something for Lent this year as I felt like I hadn’t been able to dive deep in the previous Lent seasons due to COVID-19. The process is a bit tough as it is quite prayerful and reflective. A lot of time is needed but I’ve been trying to at least attend daily Mass following the daily readings. The highlight would be doing daily readings. I feel that the scriptures reveal different ways of looking into life daily as I face struggles throughout the day, it has been keeping me strong and positive. I would like to keep up with the good practice (daily readings, rosary, attending daily Mass) from now onwards and by doing so, deepen my faith and have a much more intimate relationship with God.

~ Fenny

I personally didn’t think much about it when one of my leaders sent me this invitation. But when I saw the pamphlet that had been shared I was really amazed with the topics and the challenges for the participants. I had no idea how I was going to approach them but I placed my trust in God. And here I am, participating in the programme and I know that the Lord has something for me. I believe He wants me to live a Marian life, slowly but surely, knowing how Mama Mary had accepted God’s grace to bear a Saviour into this world to bring salvation to mankind.

At first it was hard to really get used to the challenges given but slowly I am able to do each of the challenges from scratch into something meaningful and fruitful. The highlight that I can see throughout my journey in this Marian 90 programme is that it has brought me to know more about Mama Mary’s lifestyle and how she, being so obedient to God and humbling herself before God, really strikes me even more to want to live a decent life. I hope to live a life as how our Mama Mary is, obedient and humble to God the Father.

~Bailey Bong

Empowered Ministry Kuching


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