Kuching Archbishop’s Lenten message: Pray, Fast, Give

Archbishop Simon Poh

from Archbishop Simon Poh

“Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.”
(Luke 6:36)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Catholic Church arranges the Readings from the whole Bible in a three-year cycle. For 2022, we use the 3rd Cycle known as Year C. During this year, for the ordinary Green Sundays of the year, the entire Gospel of St Luke, chapter by chapter, will be read on Sundays. 

The evangelist Luke who wrote the Gospel was a physician and thus uses stories and events of healing to reveal the compassion and mercy of God. “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.” (Luke 6:36)

Among the many wonderful parables of Jesus, it was only Luke who offers us, “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:29-37), and “The Lost Son” often called, “The Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-31). In the person of Jesus, our Heavenly father reveals to humanity his mercy and compassion. Jesus commands us to, “Go and do the same ourselves” (Luke 10:37). Let us be good neighbours to all persons in need. We are not to judge, not to condemn, but instead grant pardon and give generously. (Read Luke 6:37-38) 

I would like to thank you for your generous donations and offerings for these past two years. With your donations, our Archdiocese could support all parishes and provide full employment for all our full-time catechists, office staff, sacristans, etc. We could keep the CWS Home of Peace at Jalan Landeh running, directly support charities, purchase sanitisers, face masks and disinfecting equipment to keep all our Churches safe. For rural and urban families in need, we donated pandemic food aid, working in partnership with Migrant Ministry, St Vincent de Paul Societies, etc to ensure real needs are met with compassion and food provision. 

During this Season of Lent – commencing on Ash Wednesday 2 March until Good Friday 15 April 2022 – I encourage you to live the Lenten observances by PRAYING, FASTING & PENANCE and ALMSGIVING. 

So, in short, during this Lent:
1. Eat Less
2. Eat Simple
3. Give $ Money saved to the poor and needy

Let the lesson of the poor widow with her last two pennies teach us how to trust the Lord’s mercy and providence. Jesus teaches: “I tell you truly, this poor widow in her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)  

So, during this Lent, though each of us may be struggling from the impact of this pandemic on our economy over the last two years, we can always share what we have. Let us give out of our poverty as we trust in our generous Lord who wants to bless and generously supply our spiritual, emotional and physical needs. 

“Give and there will be gifts for you; a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap; because the amount you measure out will be the amount you will be given back.” (Luke 6:38) 

+ Archbishop Simon Poh
Archdiocese of Kuching


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