ACS calls on Christians to exercise their moral obligations to vote, according to conscience before God

ACS Chairman Archbishop Simon Poh

The following is an extract from a Pastoral Letter issued by the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) for the 12th Sarawak General Election 2021.

Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS)
Pastoral Letter for 12th Sarawak General Election 2021

To Churches, Christians and all people of goodwill in Sarawak,

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Cor 13:14)


Prayer is our duty as Christians in Sarawak and Malaysia: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1Tim 2:1-2)


In a democratic government, the freedom to elect leaders through voting is the right of each citizen. To vote means to stand up and be counted. God has entrusted to us this stewardship to work for the common good of all in Sarawak.


This does not mean that we simply cast our voting blindly or according to the popularity of a candidate. Each Christian has to seek to be better informed on the vision of a candidate and the respective political parties.

Luke 3:10-14 John the Baptist preached against injustice, exploitation, corruption and greed.
Exodus 18:16-22 God asked Moses to select leaders with these qualities, to govern his people.

  • Capable and Competent.
  • Accountable and Transparent.
  • Trustworthy and person of Integrity.
  • God fearing person who seeks to do what is right before God.
  • Concern about the plight of the poor and those in need “Share with the person who has none and whoever has food is to do likewise.” (Lk 3:12)
  • Incorruptible and takes no bribe “Collect no more than you are authorised to do.” (Lk 3:13)
  • Does not take advantage of position to exploit poor & unprotected “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, be content with your wages.” (Lk 3:14)
  • Does not discriminate based on ethnicity, religion or social status.
  • Rejects religious fundamentalism and bigotry.
  • Protects harmony and promote mutual acceptance & respect.

Seek the above qualities in our candidates. Each citizen is to vote according to one’s conscience before God. As a Church in Sarawak, ACS does NOT endorse any candidate or any political party. ACS exhorts church members to seek and elect godly leaders who will ensure the common good of all people of all races, religions and social standing in Sarawak.

While it is important that we demand such qualities from our political and spiritual leaders, let us remind ourselves of this double edged sword. Christians are called to strive for these qualities as part of our stewardship and leadership in respective families, workplace and position of leadership that have been entrusted to us. May God bless Sarawak.

“ Pray, Discern & Cast your Vote according to your conscience before God ”

With this 12th Sarawak Election 2021, we have the opportunity to democratically elect our leaders in Sarawak. As a religious organisation, ACS does NOT endorse any candidate or any political party. ACS calls on all Christians to exercise our Christian stewardship. It is our moral duty and right as citizens to vote wisely & responsibly. We will be placing the future of Sarawak into the hands of men and women whom we are electing into our Government for the next term of office.

1. Exercise our Christian stewardship and moral duty to vote

By casting our votes, we hold our government and candidates accountable to walk the talk; to fulfill promises made to the rakyat; to work for the common good and well-being of all; to defend religious freedom for various races & religions; to ensure mutual respect & acceptance, harmony & unity in diversity in Sarawak. 

2. Discern before you vote

Consider the Political Party and the integrity of the Individual Candidate on development, citizen’s rights on freedom of religion, welfare and concern for our people, etc.

3. Pray & Fast

(a) Personally: Offer prayers with fasting from NOW and until the Sunday after election.

(b) As a Community: Pray together with friends and other Christians.

4. Cast your vote according to your conscience before God.

May the Holy Spirit grant us the wisdom and fortitude we need in choosing those who will represent us in Government. Therefore, we urge you, stand up, uphold the common good of our nation, choose wisely, and may your vote be a blessing for tanahair Sarawak – land of unity and harmony in our nation Malaysia. 

Archbishop Simon Poh (ACS Chairman & Catholic Church)
Sibu Bishop Joseph Hii & Miri Bishop Richard Ng (Catholic Church)
Bishop Datuk Danald Jute (Anglican Church)
Bishop Lau Hui Ming (SCAC)
Bishop Bonnie Sedau (SIAC)
Pastor Agong Bina (BEM)
Pastor Edmund M. Liah (SDA)
Major Francis Ng (Salvation Army)

View/ Download Pastoral Letter in PDF below.


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