Newly ordained Fr Mark Noel Bonchol (2-L front row) takes his place among brother priests of the Presbyterium of Kuching Archdiocese, 8 December 2021. (Photo: Danison Manium)

By Ivy Chai

“He must increase, but I must decrease” - John 3:30

KUCHING — The Presbyterium of the Archdiocese of Kuching welcomed a new priest, Rev Fr Mark Noel Bonchol at a Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary, on 8 December 2021. His diaconate ordination took place at an earlier Marian solemnity on 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to the Virgin Mary.

Fr Mark Bonchol’s Sacerdotal Ordination was a joy to witness. The presence of the Choir to sing the hymns and Mass parts created an ambience we have missed since the start of the pandemic. The Ordination Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh with Archbishops Emeriti Peter Chung and John Ha concelebrating.

The congregation at St Joseph’s Cathedral was limited to family members, brother priests, seminarians, religious, and invited guests. Friends and the Christian community at large who were unable to be physically present because of the pandemic SOPs, were invited to join the Mass and witness the ordination via live – streaming.

At the conclusion of the Ordination Rites, Archbishop Simon Poh anointed the hands of the newly ordained with Holy Chrism oil as he knelt before him, with the words: “The Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, guard and preserve you, that you may sanctify the Christian people and offer sacrifice to God.”

Archbishop Simon Poh anoints the hands of newly ordained Fr Mark with Chrism Oil. (Photo: Danison Manium)

Fr Vincent Chin then assisted newly ordained Fr Mark to put on the stole and chasuble, after which he went before the prelate for the Presentation of Gifts.

Archbishop Simon placed the paten holding the bread and a chalice containing the wine mixed with water for the celebration of Mass presented by the faithful, into the hands of newly ordained Fr Mark. “Receive the offering of the holy people to be rendered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross,” he told the new priest.

Archbishop Simon then welcomed him with the sign of peace and a fraternal kiss (at arms’ length), and the newly ordained Fr Mark then accorded the sign of peace to the Archbishops Emeriti and brother priests who reciprocated with the sign of peace and clapping of hands.

The Mass then resumed with the Eucharistic celebration. At the end of the Prayer after Communion, the Prayer to St Joseph was recited to close the Year of St Joseph.

Archbishop Simon Poh welcomes his new Priest

Archbishop Simon in his speech, thanked Fr Mark “for the courage in taking this leap of faith” to enter the seminary at the age of 40, and after leading an independent working life of 25 years. Mark initially only wanted to “discern whether God was calling him to the priesthood.” He considered Fr Mark’s diaconate and sacerdotal ordinations on two Marian solemnities as a blessing on him.

“As a man of many gifts, may the Lord use you powerfully for the blessing of the people of God,” the Archbishop said and reminded him of his chosen motto: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). In welcoming him to the ministry and working with his brother priests, the Archbishop said: “May you experience the true joy of working in the Lord’s vineyard.”

The newly ordained priest then received a BM Missal and the Oil of Chrism from Archbishop Simon, who then presented Fr Mark’s brother Andy and sister Ann with a gift in gratitude for “the gift of their brother” to the Church.

Archbishop Simon Poh presented Fr Mark’s brother Andy and sister Ann with a gift in gratitude for “the gift of their brother” to the Church. (Photo: Danison Manium)

Speech by newly ordained Fr Mark Noel Bonchol

After performing his first blessing as a priest on his siblings and sister-in-law, the new priest thanked Archbishop Simon and Archbishops Emeriti Peter and John for their presence at his ordination.

Fr Mark Noel Bonchol

He felt he had come full circle with his Sacerdotal Ordination taking place on 8 December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. In relating his vocation story, he said it began in his home parish of St Mary’s Church in Sibu where they celebrate their parish feast day on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

Fr Mark said he preferred to call his ordination “our” and not “mine” as without prayers and support, his ordination would not have come to fruition. “It takes the faith of a whole community to raise a seminarian to be a priest,” he quipped. He thanked God for the gift of priesthood and Blessed Mother Mary for her love and care. He expressed gratitude to a long list of priests including the faith formators at St Peter’s Seminary, friends, siblings and his late father, and also his mother for her patience and care.

To those discerning a path in priestly or religious life, he had this to say: “Do not be afraid. Instead, give it a try.” He ended with a request for prayers.

Archbishop Simon Poh ended the Sacerdotal Ordination and Mass with the solemn blessing especially for the newly ordained Fr Mark, as well as all viewers online.

Biography and Seminary Formation

Newly ordained Fr Mark, the youngest in a family of four siblings, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from an Australian university and Postgraduate Diploma in HRM from the United Kingdom. He embarked on a career in both the private and public sectors before applying to join St Peter’s Seminary to ‘’discern” his calling.

Seminary Formation
2013: Initiation Year, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
2014-2015: Philosophy Years, St Peter’s College Major Seminary, Kuching
2016-2020: Theology Years, St. Peter’s College Major Seminary, Kuching
2017 (Nov): Installed to the Ministry of Lector
2018 (Nov): Installed to the Ministry of Acolyte
2020 (1 May): Graduated from St Peter’s College Major Seminary, Kuching
2021 (24 Mar): Admitted to the Candidacy for Holy Orders by His Grace Most Rev Simon Poh
2021 (25 Mar): Ordained Deacon, St Joseph’s Cathedral, Kuching
2021 (8 Dec): Ordained Priest, St Joseph’s Cathedral, Kuching

Pastoral Immersion
2014: RCIA, Children’s Liturgy, St Joseph’s Cathedral Kuching (Pastoral Observation)
2015: Sarawak General Hospital Cancer Ward (Compassionate Visits)
2016: Pastoral with CYM St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa
2017: Pastoral at KAYA 25 and at St Theresa’s Church, Serian
2018: Pastoral at St Stephen’s Church, Bau
2019: Pastoral at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC
2020: Pastoral at Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri Aman (1 month)
2020 Aug–2021 April: Pastoral at Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang Park, Kuching
2021 May – present: Diaconal Ministry at St Joseph Cathedral Parish, Kuching


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