JCC catechists organise drivethrough Christmas gifting

A student receiving his Christmas parcel from the catechists.

KEPONG — A group of catechists from the Church of Jesus Caritas (JCC) were passionate about making a difference during this pandemic. They pooled their resources to bring the cheer and joy of Christmas to their catechism students.

Catechists Linda Lopez, Sharan Ann Randhawa, Rachel Sta Maria, Adrienne Oon Pestana, Felicia Natalie Anak Tata, Michelle Antony, Ashley Suyin Patrick, and Mary Daniel were instrumental in distributing Christmas presents to their students with a drive-through experience recently at the JCC lobby.

The project received the goahead from parish priest Fr Michael Chua and the catechist coordinator. Approximately 50 children accompanied by their parents participated in this event. The children received gifts and personalised cards with scripture verses during the drive-through event. Families mostly stayed in their cars and wore masks. Some of the gifts and cards were placed in the boot of their vehicles for contactless delivery. A few stepped out to take pictures with their favourite teachers.

Clad in red attire and Santa hats, the catechists wanted the children to experience the joy of Christmas and make memories that keep their spirits up during this pandemic.

Herald Malaysia Online


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