In the midst of pandemic, a Carmelite sister makes her simple profession

Fr Mattheus handed over the constitution of the Discalced Carmelite community to the newly professed sister through the little door at the wall.

By Agnes Moniu

KOTA KINABALU Sr Teresa of Jesus, 33, made her simple Profession during the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Eucharist Celebration Nov 14, which was presided by Carmelite Chaplain Fr Mattheus Luta in the Carmelite monastery. Her mother, Dourine Oloh, was present to witness the occasion.

Upon hearing the call of the Lord and following few years of discernment, Sr Teresa of Jesus decided to enter the Carmelite Monastery on 23 November, 2019. She received her habit on 14 November 2020. After expressing her desire to dedicate herself wholly to God, she begins a three years’ probation in preparation for her solemn profession.

During the ceremony, she made vows of obedience, chastity and poverty before Mother Prioress.

Sr Teresa of Jesus, born on 17 May 1987 hails from Telipok. She is the 4th child from a family of six siblings (three boys and three girls).  Her father is Andrew Onduk Ponsoi.

The community prays for her that she may continue to persevere in her religious vocation in the cloistered Carmelite community with a total of 19 members.

Catholic Sabah


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