CHRISTIANS join other faiths in prayers for Sarawak Head of State

Heads and representatives of the different interfaith associations at the thanksgiving gathering at a local hotel. On 4th right is ACS Chairman Archbishop Simon Poh.

By Deacon Mark Bonchol

KUCHING  The state of living harmoniously with different races and religious beliefs in Sarawak was celebrated at a thanksgiving gathering of leaders and representatives from non-Islamic religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism and Hinduism on 8 October at a local hotel.

It was organised by the Unit for Other Religions (UNIFOR) in conjunction with the 85th Birthday of the Head of State, Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Archbishop Simon Poh delivering his thanksgiving prayer. (Photo: UKAS)

Archbishop Simon Poh, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuching in his thanksgiving prayer representing Christians in the state, began with a scripture quotation from 1Tim 2:1-2, “Petitions, prayers, requests and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that the people may live a quiet and peaceful life with all relevance toward God and proper conduct.”

The Archbishop gave thanks for the gift of the Head of State in leading Sarawak and asked that God bestow blessings of wisdom and good health upon him. He further prayed for the Head of State to continue leading the state to the path of harmony and unity and that under his present leadership, Sarawak would continue to be a model of “peaceful coexistence and harmonious living for the whole of Malaysia”.

YB Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah, Deputy Chief Minister and Minister in charge of UNIFOR, in his address praised the unit for being the coordinator and promoter, and their continuous effort to provide a platform for promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. He reiterated that the effective means of avoiding and even end conflict due to religious extremism is by engaging with others in a peaceful manner, leading to a better understanding of each other.

The Minister gave his assurance of the state government’s continuous support to non-Islamic religions in Sarawak through UNIFOR and hope that all would continue to encourage and continuously give support for a harmonious and unified Sarawak.

The prayerful event continued with prayers of thanksgiving and good health for the Head of State from the Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist and Hindu, each with their own prayers, chants and recitations from their respective Holy books. Many of those in attendance were impressed and touched by the prayers offered for the Head of State and considered this a special experience befitting Sarawak as a state known for its unity and harmonious coexistence.

With YB Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, the Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak as the guest of honour, and the attendance of YB Dato Sri Prof. Dr. Sim Kui Hian, Minister of Local Government and Housing, senior state government civil servants led by Datuk Amar Jaul Samion, Sarawak State Secretary, and a number of Assistant Ministers and YB Dato Gerawat Gala, Deputy Speaker of the Sarawak Legislative Assembly also present, the Sarawak state government is showing a strong commitment towards the continued preservation and promotion of unity and harmony, in a multi-faith and multicultural society of Sarawak.


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