Kuching-born Daughter of St Paul makes final profession

Photo: Danison Magnum / Today's Catholic
Sr Roseling, FSP making her final profession

BATU KAWA — “These readings chosen by Sr Roseling show that she is attracted by the love of God in Chris in her pursue of the religious life,” said Archbishop John Ha in his homily during the Mass of the Final Profession of Sr Roseling Siaw Chen.

“Today we gather here to witness Sr Roseling making her Final Profession, the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. With this, she renounces her right to own properties, the right to marry and the free life that she used to love,” said the Archbishop.

The simple but beautiful event on the evening of 30 June was witnessed by 18 priests, seven Sisters from the Daughters of St Paul, the Religious, family, relatives, friends and about a thousand strong faithful and well wishers at St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa.

It was a special occasion for the Archdiocese of Kuching as the Congregation of the Daughters of St Paul (FSP) does not have a community in Sarawak. Nonetheless, two Sarawakians who have joined the FSP. One of them is Sr Christine Henry Sudin from Kpg Simpok (Padawan), who made her final profession in 1998. The other one is none other than the newly professed Sr Roseling.

The rite of the Perpetual Profession included the calling forward of Sr Roseling, the Examination, Litany of the Saints, the Profession, Consecration and the Mandate (the sending forth).

At the profession of vows, Sr Roseling committed herself to live in communion with the Daughters of St Paul and “to be faithful to charism of the Founder”, to evangelise “with the means of social communication”.

“Trusting in Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and in St Paul the Apostle, in the hands of Sr Noemi Vinoya, the Provincial Superior, before all of you here present, I make the vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience for all my life according to the Constitutions of the Institute,” she professed as she stood in front of the Altar, facing the congregation.

At the end of the Mass, Sr Noemi Vinoya, the Provincial Superior commissioned the newly professed Sister to serve in Selangor.

Sr Roseling, in her speech, thanked her formators and the FSP Sisters who have journeyed with her. She also extended her gratitude to everyone who supported her and made the occasion possible. With her melodious voice, she sang the hymn “Holy is His Name” in thanksgiving to God.

The Daughters of St Paul is an international Catholic women religious congregation consecrated in the Church for the proclamation of the Gospel with the means of social communication. It was founded by two Italians, Blessed James Alberione and co-foundress Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo. Their foundation is attributed to St Paul the Apostle, who was outstanding in his zeal to spread the Gospel to the world of his time. This year, the FSP is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the foundation.

There are a total of 12 professed Daughters of St Paul in Malaysia with two Postulants currently undergoing formation in Manila, Philippines.

Audrey Yu

Today’s Catholic  Vol.27  No. 4  July 2015


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