Good response to BSC Online Sunday School inaugural session

BSC Rector Fr Patrick Heng (blue frame) addresses Sunday School faith formators, students and parents, 13 June 2021. (Screenshot: BSC)

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING In late April 2021, the Bible and Faith Formation Committee (BFFC) of Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) launched registrations for Sunday School online lessons. Classes were scheduled to commence in mid-June 2021.

On 13 June, inaugural online lessons for Sunday School students of all levels began with an address from the Rector of BSC, Fr Patrick Heng. The 9.00 am Google Meet (with 250 max participants) gave teachers, parents, guardians and students who managed to log in, an insight of what to expect at the online classes.

After an opening prayer and welcome, Fr Patrick outlined the plans for the running of the Sunday School syllabus and noted that teething problems will arise. Some faith formators will also be coping with teaching online for the first time.

Nevertheless, he gave the assurance that no student will be left behind when the time comes for the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, planned for the end of this year.

What is important is that students “will experience who the Lord Jesus is,” and that this will eventually lead to the desire to “receive the sacrament in Church,” said Fr Patrick.

He thanked BFFC for the preparations that went into making the online lessons available, especially its chairman John Wong and secretary Martina Juan.

Teachers and students then proceeded to log in to their respective classes for their introductory online lessons. About 410 students registered for the Sunday School online classes.


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