A group photo of participants during the THINKTALK session.

By Julian Christian Sim

KUCHING — Merriam-Webster defines HEARING as the “process, function or power of perceiving sound; specifically: the special sense by which noise and tones are received as stimuli.” In other words, hearing is a lot like collecting data, rather simple but often insufficient. Particularly within the context of human communication, where being ‘seen’ or understood is often more important and significant as compared to just being heard, listening, real intentional listening, means “to pay attention to sound; to hear something with thoughtful attention, and to give consideration.”

His Holiness, Pope Francis, during his keynote address to the first plenary of the Synod on “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” in October 2018, highlighted how important it is TO LISTEN. He recalled that the preparation for the Synod highlighted the fact that “the church needs to listen, including to those young people who often do not feel understood by the church in their originality and therefore not accepted for who they really are and sometimes even rejected.” He added that, “a church that does not listen… cannot be credible, especially for the young who will inevitably turn away rather than approach.”

KAYC (Kuching Archdiocese Youth Commission) seeks to do precisely that—TO LISTEN, NOT JUST TO HEAR. Thus, we organised a program we call “tiktokTHINKTALK”. It is an evening of dialogue between young people, of sharing and listening to one another, in order to journey with our young people more dearly and deliberately, to better our youth ministry, and contribute to a better church, a better world.

The first THINKTALK session was held on a Friday evening (30 April) via Zoom with a total of 14 youth and young adult participants from the different parishes within the Archdiocese of Kuching, namely, Blessed Sacrament Church (BDC), Holy Spirit Church (Lundu), Sacred Heart Church (7th Mile), St Joseph Cathedral (Kuching), St Jude Church (Bunan Gega), St Mark Church (Batu Kawa), and Our Lady Star of the Sea Chapel (Bintawa).

The session was facilitated by the youth ministers of the KAYC Secretariat. They focussed on listening to feedback, opinions and suggestions from the youth participants on their thoughts, feelings and views on youth concerns and the way the Catholic Church in Kuching through the Youth Commission responds and ministers. They also discussed the upcoming projects and programs of KAYC, some of which included an online youth servant-leadership formation (to be held in the later half of 2021) and an archdiocesan-level youth survey.

The first program, the online youth formation, is one which the stewards, KAYC servant-leaders from the various Parish Youth Ministries, Youth Groups and Young Adult Ministries of the Kuching Archdiocese, feel is necessary and timely. The stewards have met a number of times in 2020 to discuss and identify the relevant issues and needs of the Catholic youth of the Archdiocese. One resolution they have formed from their meetings is to hold an online formation for young people which focuses on the meaning and living of servanthood and leadership as active young Catholics. The stewards feel that the youth now are struggling to find fulfillment and meaningful relationships in their lives, in their faith and in their service in the Church too.

The second program, the youth survey, aptly named “GETTING TO KNOW YOUth”, aims to engage more and more Catholic youth for them to get to know themselves deeper and for the youth ministers to get to know them better. KAYC will collect updated information on the demographics, personal interests, Church life, problems and aspirations of our young all over the Archdiocese, from both the city and the outstation parish communities. KAYC wants to hear not just from the leaders but from the youth themselves, from the grassroots. Data provided by this survey will provide a reliable basis for making plans, programs and procedures for youth ministry projects, all for the good and growth of our young Catholics. 

Participants of THINKTALK had a discussion on these programs. They shared their feedback, spoke about some missing elements, how relevant these programs are, and more. After an hour of reciprocal listening and sharing, the session ended with both the young representatives from the different parishes and the KAYC youth ministers feeling better connected and better understood. Living out the words of Pope Francis, “Humility in listening must correspond to courage in speaking. If you say something I do not like, I have to listen even more, because everyone has the right to be heard, just as everyone has the right to speak.” 

In this challenging and colourful world of youth ministry, be one with us. Look out for news and information on how you can be part of the online Servant Leadership Formation for young people and of the Youth Survey by following the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission at their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/kchyouthcom.


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