KUCHING — On 1 July, participants attending the second of the course The Great Adventure (TGA): Salvation History which began last year celebrated their completion of the course at Blessed Sacrament Parish, BDC. The TGA course, which began last year, was the second one conducted by the parish. There were 20 participants who signed up for the course but only 13 made it to ‘graduation’.
All participants said they were greatly enriched by the course. One participant shared that she bought her Bible 40 years ago but it was only with TGA that she finally came round to reading it. Many shared that although they had tried reading the Bible on their own, they could not make it pass Genesis or Exodus.
The Great Adventure is a bible study programme developed by Jeff Cavins to help Catholics understand the ‘big picture’ of God’s plan of salvation through the narrative stories of the Bible.
Christina Eng